
“Not a fan of supercharging. Not when turbos get the job done without robbing power.”

Removable roof usually means that it’s almost never removed. Plus a pain to park anywhere with the removable roof opened. PRHT - 12 seconds and it’s opened or closed.

The Supra looks like somebody hit it with several ugly sticks - they hit it so hard they broke a few.

There is the Washington Redskins.......

Burger Chef:

I’ve been rear ended three times by people who thought that I would run the red light and they would too.   All of these times I stopped normally, with no sudden brake action on my part.  And no cell phones/texting etc were involved by the other drivers.

High executive salaries and benefits are stealing from shareholder value.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Steelers are laughing their asses off right now.

“Where else in Mazda’s roster from the past decade would they get a chassis that fits it and could support its weight without seriously re-engineering an ND?”

How many owners track their Corvettes?  One or two percent I’d guess.

On the other hand, continually dealing with shitty parents and entitled children could turn anyone sour.

Do snail armies slug it out?

Damn right it matters!   If I can get to the 7/11  0.001 seconds faster to get a Big Gulp it’s worth it.

A T-top wouldn’t be that bad of an idea. Each piece would weigh half of a single roof section and would be less awkward for a single person to remove or install it.

“The biggest tell of the Boomer generation is they lionized events and public figures of the past because they had no genuine accomplishments of their own to identify.”

“An inconvenient truth, is that the crossover is actually a better packaging format than a wagon. Crossovers are just reaaaallly tall wagons these days anyways.”

I had a 1979 Chevy Malibu SW, a 1991 Taurus SW, a 1999 Sable SW, and have a 2004 Sable SW. All have the opening glass feature.

The drop in Focus sales is partially due to Ford not fixing the transmission problems.