
Purina Chuck Wagon dog food?

The alledged knifer:

3 games - sexual assault.

Previous generation WRX came as a sedan or a hatchback - the hatchback made 50% of the WRX sales.  

“It’s rec league soccer. But at the world cup.”

While the Cayman looks better, a convertible is more fun. Spring, summer, and fall the top is rarely up on my car. And the winter has a few days a month where it’s warm enough that the top is down.

Too hard to get in and out of to use as a daily driver?

My 2004 Sable (brown SW) has 254K miles. Didn’t hit a wall, but hit a deer headon at 70mph.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Don’t mention that diseased Redskins franchise when talking about teams that can actually win something.

So now we get Meh human Monday.

Even a GTI version would be good.

I think you will find that if you fire an anti-tank weapon to increase the space in front your visibility will improve.

Should be the German spelling.

Also, ZR-1 weight distribution is 50:50; Demon is 58:42

It will be a while before diesel trucks are replaced. Hopefully this would work in those applications.

It’s also one of the few things CarFax is good for. You can see which state the car had been registered in.

One and a half inch longer wheelbase, but less rear legroom?

I’m 6 feet tall, and I can adjust the drivers seat in an ATS and still fit in behind it in the back seat. It’s a little tight, and I wouldn’t want to do it for a multi hour trip, but it isn’t “worthless”.