Slappy san

Only thing i agree with is how the writers screwed Summer Glau.

Seems like the writers took her best line and gave it to Moira.

Good thing he's not a detective anymore because he obvious ain't good at it.

I keep thinking he knows but is playing along, then he says something that shows he's just as dumb as the rest. So disappointing.

Laurel needs an electronic peephole and a new address.

She gets her comedy from the people who write for Fox News based on what little of the debate they showed.

More of this and less of everything else she does on the show.

Even the torture of her boobs?

Only problem is that in long shots he looks pretty squatty.

Run? Just floor it, I say.

Smallville is the show I refused to watch no matter how much I liked the Chloe character.

I thought that look was "Man, I should have taken a pay cut and stayed on Supernatural until the weirdos that want to see the brothers bang killed me later."

They just need to call her to the damn set for a couple episodes in a row. Those writers just totally wasted the geek bump she could provide by first casting her against type and then forgetting she was on the show.

That meta with Felecity wasn't nearly harsh enough. I wouldn't give this episode an A- because I couldn't help but think Summer Glau (and her fans) got screwed by the writers and the reveal to Laurel didn't land for me because the character has been a total drag on the show from the jump.

There were two replies here by me and now they are gone. *shrugs*

…and no need to respond. It's just a rekindling of my frustration at never finding an answer online way back when. After hearing of her diagnosis and seeing her on Supernatural (which I had all kinds of problems with) I just assumed that that was why. I'd just like to know for certain one day but Miner isn't the

I find it hard to believe that they cast Miner without a promise of a return where we'd actually see her face. Without that promise I can't picture Miner agreeing to that either. It's frankly beneath her. It also would have been cheaper to go local if there was no intent for Root to be more. Heck, it makes no sense to

I seem to recall her not being credited at all and then searching online because I knew that voice from somewhere. So…everyone didn't know. Even if they did…so what. In the age of anyone who cares getting online to find things out…is the identity of an actress that big of a deal? And besides the bulk of the people

Which (is) why I said her. I'm still not over them bringing on Acker even if health may have been the reason Miner didn't come back. I see Root and I can't help but think of Miner. Nothing personal with Acker. Just… *shrugs*

Have all but 1,7 and 10. Nowadays…0.