Slappy san

I don't want to meet the kind of people that would DVR Person of Interest and watch Chicago Fire live. I say this as someone who watched CF's first season and have yet to watch a single ep of it that's sitting on the DVR.

I let out some kind of sound of joy when I saw his name pop up on screen. That dude just plays assholes so well.

Rachel Miner…

Another satisfying episode. On the perv side: what's not to like about Ms. Liu walking around with no socks or pants on?

Nice pilot but I see it being decent but cancelled on network tv or awful and renewed. Either way….it's still subscribed on my DVR just like Resurrection.

In Utero is held in high acclaim? I remember getting that and being very, very disappointed. I only ripped one song. At least I never paid Columbia House for it. :)

"Repairs" from 11/26.

Hollywood types always claim things as passion projects. It's what they do and most times it's a crock of shit. Most times they just heard a pitch, had an assistant read it or just saw a picture Then they get it and totally miss the point.


It's probably because a lot of people checked out. You can only hate-watch a show after complaining about the same things for so long. :)

And of course you go back and edit things so now I look off with the 1,2,4 response set up. *shrugs*

1) It isn't funny at all. The character has been a drag from the jump. Peridoically they try to give her something to do but she only gets worse. Then they go back to her being not much of a factor until they again try to do something and she becomes ever more interolerable.

Not the best but a nice heist episode to change things up a bit.

A Misstep of An Episode
Nyssa al Ghul had a nice entrance with the fight at the airport. But after that…she was a pain. I can't remember the last time I had a problem with Sarah but the whole lesbian thing reveal with Oliver watching just felt really shitty and so CW. And that was after her dad asked her to come back

Not a fan of Rogen or his circle of friends so I'm worried. That and it not being on a pay cable channel. Seriously, how watered down would this be to get on the air? And what stupid changes will the pothead bros make. Ugh.

I'm shocked by the grades this received. It took me days to get around to watching them and then more days to finish them. I actually said out loud "I used to like this show". *shrugs*

I don't think it was horrible and I know without having watched it yet that Intelligence's is much, much worse.

I really hate that CBS broke up a great two hour block in Elementary and Person of Interest. Glad I have a DVR again so it's not as big of a problem. But having my two favorites on back to back was great when I actually had to sit to watch stuff while it was airing.

Then it would never come on at the right time. I have to set whatever comes on that I watch after The Good Wife with a huge window because of football running late.

Came into this thread solely for her name. Thanks. Makes me feel worse that I'd actually clicked on her name on IMDB and wasn't sure. That makeup was something else. Great performance by her.