Slappy san

Sure was. I had to look her up….but she wasn't named as far as I can tell and I'm not having much luck on IMDB unless I'm totally clicking and not realizing it is her without that all that makeup.

Her character was handicapped to begin by the blatant as all hell decomtatmination scenes. It probably wouldn't have been so bad if Blaylock hadn't been so underweight and had the implants of a porn star.

1. Vulcan have emotions and only supress them. They don't always suceed. Most of them come as pricks.
2. T'Pol's daddy was a Romulan.
3. She was compromised by….crap…I can't remember exactly how. I know it involved some kind of drug.

The Open Wound That is Bell and Sherlock

Go Kick Rocks, Sherlock!

A single season is too long-term? If it or something equally dramatic were the only thing to drum interest enough for a season that wouldn't happen otherwise?

Not yet. It happens when suits get involved. I'd prefer a season abroad instead of that.

A lot of writers probably had no intention of getting leads together but then ratings and network interference happened. It's one of those go-to movies like casting an adorable kid late in the game.

I was getting interested for most of that first sentence until…. oh well.

*lazily cut and pasted*

Disqus ate my original comment? I guess I'll need to save before I hit post from now on.

*Cut and pasted*

Sounds nuts but considering the treatment this show has gotten (six episodes to be aired…sometime) I guess I can't poo poo this.

God yes. I've found myself bitching about her almost non-stop all season. Her character is a giant, whiny, annoying fuck up who I wanted to die. They always found a reason (see Amanda fucking with her head) why we should forgive her but I never could.

Just a case of bit player becoming beloved by fans. So more screen time is a must. Besides, she and Seymour are a thing.


I'm curious to know your reasoning for ignoring the show and then dropping in for the finale. I can't think of a show that I dislike so much and then drop in on. No snark, no joke…just geniune curiosity.

Somehow I doubt the average person watching a CBS show is sitting there bitching about an accent. This board is not indicative of the public at large.

In this day and age it seems a bit ridiculous to quibble about a character not reacting to a dodgy accent. I mean, we all know this a television show. Suspension of disbelief and all that. Same goes for "chemistry".

No mole made me think impostor too. Glad they didn't go that route.