
The same thing happened to me that happened to KK. I went in for a pregnancy confirmation ultrasound and there was an egg sac but no baby inside. A blighted ovum. This was my 4th pregnancy so I know what a healthy embryo should look like at that stage - this was just a white circle with nothing inside. Black. I was


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As new-ads-with-old-divas go, I prefer the new Gap ad with Cher and Future.

What about baseball mitt conditioner?

Fascinating! And for no good reason whatsoever, I would have assumed that Prada was well constructed because... Italian something something. I want you to make a blog that reveals all the dirty secrets of high fashion construction. Whose seam allowances are just sloppily serged? Who has the most elegant bias bindings?

It’s likely a sample from the showroom which could be bad quality or could have been tried on by 90 people or both. Often luxury stuff is delicate fabrics too and then possibly tailored it quickly and badly to fit her. During fashion week people screw stuff up all the time and do shoddy quick fixes.

I’m not a model, but I (like most here) love clothes. I have been known to hang a spare outfit in the back of my car when going to an “event” (see: Unitarian Church, Christmas at Mom’s, etc).

I said this in another spot, but I think the mom is so heinous. She’s done nothing but put insane pressure on her daughters to be on all the time and be sexy above all else.

Another two awful people found each other! And no shade, but the amount of times Madonna’s skin has been pulled and filled, she might not the best spokesperson for skincare...

That guy doesn’t really look like Seacrest. Sorry, not seeing it.

Well that situation sounds like it eats a dumpster of goblin cocks. Glad you’ve got a clean bill of health though!

I grew up with the idea of no glove no love. The only guy to ever get in with skin is my husband. I am far from a prude, but my sister was a nurse in an AIDS clinic, and she did a scared straight tour with me as a teenager, and that shit is no fucking joke. It wasn’t just that they looked sick, but they looked like

Glad to hear you had negative test results but having an STI/STD doesn’t make you “unclean.” It’s a very degrading way of referring to people who have them.

She was homeschooled by a mother that helped her older sister make a sex tape, what did we expect?

Except for Kylie and Kendall . . . And North was a prop in that tacky Jackie-O photo shoot just a couple of weeks ago.

Agree it’s her choice, disagree that she is an adult. When you get to your 40's you realize 20 is still totally a fucking kid in todays world.

Sorry, have to disagree. 20yrs old is still a kid. Big time.

For real though... why don’t young people use condoms anymore?

Yeah, he notes that he was 35, like the clock was ticking, but leaves out that she was not (she’s almost 10 years younger than him).

Does Somerhalder assume people will find this story charming because he’s not ugly? Because it contains at least 3 of the warning signs of abuse in the booklet my doctor gave me at my first prenatal visit.