Mr Slap doesnt know that I nicknamed my car “Hank” after this drool worthy man.
Mr Slap doesnt know that I nicknamed my car “Hank” after this drool worthy man.
Lol, I read that as “dysentery”. Pretty much describes my gut reaction to the orange menace’s constant barrage of “look at me, dont look at the possibility of me being indicted” in the media. Too bad we can’t get all the newscasters to suddenly switch to saying “And niw for the latest craven ateention whore evil…
Evil Keebler elf pushing hate as long as he is still clinging to the sinking SS Orange Menace. Hurry up and lets put laws in place allowing a nullification of the election results and a new election. Followed by the jailing of this administration, the whole tRump family and mucho Republican jerks who took Putin’s…
I’ve worked for several plastic surgeons. Most of them would steer away from patients who exhibited hints of mental issues and would have done their best to turn her down and not go any further with her. Avoiding lawsuits was their main aim, but they are also very aware of making their practice brand look respectable.…
And I thought ibwas the only one eho wanted to slap the crap out of tRump’s butt kissers in the press, eagerly giving a CRAPLOAD of free press to the orange turd goblin. Chuck Todd. I’m publicly calling you a media whore.
Yes!!!! We need ALL hands on deck for the next 10 years, at least. Any one who stayed home and didnt even fucking bother to vote has our nation’s ruination and the blood of PR on their lazy idiotic hands. And if you are a female capable of voting, you have a million more reasons to stand up for all of us by voting.…
Polishing up my “real life haunted mansion “ story and waiting for this eagerly.
I say we demand that anyone running for president have at minimum held a county or state office, be able to pass competency & sanity tests, and have their finances gone over down to their third grade allowance. No more idiotic reality star shitheels, please.
I hope that hell is giving Heffner the same treatment he subjected those women to. Huge dong devils and no lube while Lucifer merrily smokes a joint -and dreams up some ghastly fun that may come for Cosby and tRump.
Hmmm, skinny old dweeby white dude suddenly develops “wonder butt”. Sorry, as big as my bootie is and always has been (even as a toothpick skinny kid), I call faaaaaaaaake for days. #NotaBooty-ologist
THIS!! My parents tried to push all the female siblings in my family to become a nurse. Being the youngest of 7, i grew up hearing gore and gross out stories after their shifts. And tales of shitty doctor behaviors plus abusive patients. I said “Nooooooo”to a career as a nurse and was told they wouldn’t let me do…
Bitch, dont eeeeeeeven try to come near my tv after you withheld the scoop on dirty Don the con until AFTER the election. Nice and convenient way to pimp your book. Burn in hell with your petoxide and bullshit. You are a traitor to all women.
Why did I just hear the bells from the theme music for Rosemary’s Baby?
Somewhere, there is a divorce laeyer tap dancing and screaming “He made a VIDEO”!!! This guy is next to tRump in the horrible person contest.
In the words of the Goddess, Debra Harry, “I’ll take the money you can have the fame”.
Not to dimunish what happened to her, but yes, we do need to amp up the conversation about the effects of fox blasting non-stop hatred, misogyny and racism & poisoning their gullible viewers. How much of their content was paid for by Vlad leading up to the election?
No, this administratipn only likes white wealthy Americans who have gold plated storm shelters stocked with Dom Perignon and Russian money.
You made me think of my sweet old Scottish Grandpa who is most likely cursing and doing excellent carpentry in heaven.
Methinks that lawyerbcashed checks from the exhusband and your friend somehow.....
THIS!!!! And wtf will the government do if they can get 110% proof of completely illegitimate election results? Can we toss tRump and any of his actions /cabinet/staff/family?????