Is Trump the German word for “flaming asshole who is woefully inept, unqualified and a classic sociopathic narcissist”?
Is Trump the German word for “flaming asshole who is woefully inept, unqualified and a classic sociopathic narcissist”?
Beahahaha, up against the Coke machine, ala OITNB. Their next baby will be named Sprite.
One of my greatest fears is being videotaped walking in public and having the video of my body used on a nightly news segment about obesity.
We named him Ryker, ya know, like the really nice prison. But with cooler spelling.
Ughhh, the whole idiotic bacwards name sheeple trend. In my mind, bacwards equates to “opposite of” so you are saying that this kid is hell. Plus it is fugly sounding and stupid. Arrrrgh.
Is it just me or did the model in the navy blue outfit (under the bright green bathing suit model) look like pre-lizard woman surgery Melania tRump?
So sorry to hear about your mom. Hugs and chocolate and sparklers to you
My first husband was diagnosed at 29. The waiting and hoping then begging for second and 3rd opinions when the news was “malignant in some cells” was a secondary emotional punch in the gut. Thankfully i got good info from and mucho support from my parents. Life turns on a dime.
Can’t we get one of his staffers to suggest that he step down and frame it as a bigly win for the rotten turd baby?
Let the positive winds of change come this way & make America less “Handmaids Tale”.
Insert lyrics from “lullaby” aka the spider-man song. Creeptastic.
Meow then!!
Awww thanks!!! Will do, he will come home in early August.
Im adopting a pupy soon and will share the sash of “sensitive bitch” if people just grab him or let their kids scare or try to hurt him.
I’d like to know if anyone can stop this travesty from happening. And will this self serving national embarassment ever get impeached or perhaps gtfo some other way?
What state was this in?
Exaaaactly. If she is trying to avoid politics stay the fuck out of OUR white house, you entitled, complicit bitch from hell.
How charming, a gathering of the “clueless lucky sperm club” members disguised as a lightly fragranced seance. The ominous rumbling sound is several spirits rolling their eyes en masse.
My ferverent dream is drumpf being photographed behind bars in an irange jumpsuit sans combover. And a lovely gallery of his accomplices in orange jumpsuits too. But how ever will Ivanka get decent highlights in the big house?
Holy mother of Fester Adams (with a side of “I’m too privileged and rich to listen to my plastic surgeon’s advice to go easy on the fillers”.