
I mean, rape as "lack of consent" is a pretty modern conception of what legally constitutes the punishable crime rape. The fact that he didn't use physical violence or threats of physical violence combined with the fact that she didn't resist him would have put Ramsay's actions outside of the category of rape until

Spousal rape was not illegal in some states until the 90s and, yes, still remains a difficult prosecution. That said, was depicted in tonight's episode almost certainly wouldn't have been legally considered rape even if they weren't married (though it might have been punishable as fornication by an unmarried couple)

Right, it was punishable by hanging, but what was depicted would not have been legally considered rape.

I mean we don't know where it's going yet because that scene ended the episode.

I dunno this is set in the Middle Ages where things like this were commonplace and not legally viewed as the crime of rape.