
Hi, I'm sorry to blindside you in a public forum but i really believe you need to talk to a professional if that's financially viable or perhaps join a support group. Please tell a friend you trust how you're feeling as well, don't worry about imposing on them or looking weak they'll be glad you reached out.
You just

I have a cinema subscription, for 20 euro a month I can go see the larger blockbusters. The money I save from that goes to seeing independent films in smaller cinemas.

Amy is so good at being "all women" because her mother has been teaching her from day one how to be a more likable and false version of herself.

For me it was when the shot of buffy running in the blue coat was nixed. That image from "Becoming Part 1" defined the series for me.
I also hate the last shot of the intro of seasons 6 and 7, it goes from the awesome hero shot of buffy with an axe from "Anne" to shot of slightly miffed buffy with head tilted/ arms

Because of her shaky mascara technique? In fairness to Laurel if my eyelids had to hold up to 3 pairs of false lashes every day, I too would have a constant sleepy/vacant expression and make even worse decisions.

The washer had been pulled away from the wall, most people wouldn't leave it like that. Most people just cannot resist keeping their furniture or appliances lined up correctly. Plus she probably realized it is an excellent place for Lester to keep it, what random attacker would take the time to take the back off it,

I don't really watch her show but I've seen her stuff get passed around a lot by women and her show has a definite feminist lite appeal. Maybe you just know some really boring women.

I don't know if I'd say if everyone there knows what they're talking about. But there are some really clever, funny and friendly people over there who make the site tolerable.

You're right about the second point: now that I've thought about it, it could have been years before she really accepted she was raped and could have been blaming herself. Stuff like favourites was prob not even on her radar. Either way I think I'll just stop commenting on this, I have no idea what happened and I

I don't want this to came across like I'm doubting a woman's story just because it was posted online, I know that even online a person can catch a lot of shit from trolls and assholes. I have seen people been straight up harassed or interrogated about their rape: some assholes need to know all the details before they

Honestly I think this show has tons of sadness under the surface and it informs a lot of the characters motivations and actions throughout the season. The really sad thing about the Cookie Prom episode isn't that something shitty happened to them in High School, it's that it is still affecting them ten years later.

I really liked their silence of the lambs halloween cutaway. Marika even resembles famous lesbians!

I actually quite like her performance, except the accent, and think it fits the character quite well. Mostly cause kimmie seems like the kind of overly enthusiastic person who is also self aware enough to realise that she's being perceived as weird so she's excited but also constantly second guesses herself and tries

Meh, since this was published I watched all of it (no work today) and I don't know if I can agree with "it doesn't taste good". Obviously its different watching something as a reviewer but I found it a really sweet hang out show, I like pretty much all of the characters and the world building that went into the show.

Hey mister, she's a very busy person *checks john's imdb for upcoming projects*

Watchseries LT works pretty well for streaming

Someone explained their hatred for A.H to me, by comparing her to Tracy Flick/ Rachel Berry. Apparently she can come off as really eager but fake, I dunno that much about her so I can't comment.

Embarrassed to be replying to this so late but I think Molly was attempting to mould this guy into being Sherlock, like she bought him the coat, scarf and mousse.

Guessing it's your controversial dress opinions. I'm also not a fan of that dress but only because it's not office wear, and it seems a bit weird that Felicity wouldn't be aware of that.

I saw that interview and could not believe that he is from Cork, where's the mad culchie accent? But then he said he went down to Dublin for the audition and it clicked. (cool story I know)