Must be rhetorical.
Must be rhetorical.
A-Rod: {Opens Derek Jeter gift bag} This thing is full of shit!
Aaron Hernandez
The Cardinal Way
Schiano Man
So you're saying that the principal had reservations about the sign?
The average game time will now be infinity.
He didn't move.
I believe that is referred to as his "Vinegar Strokes."
Golden Tate's wave goodbye made him either a hero or a villain.
The chinamen is not the issue here, dude.
Say hello to Benjamin Feldman, Shannon McNay, and Claire Murdough from ReadyForZero, an online service that helps…
God, watch him walk by blaming it all on the Babe.
Honestly I'm a little surprised that this comes as a shock to people. Chivas are after all a club with a policy of only employing Mexican players. In this day and age with a culture like that at the parent club, how could something like this NOT happen?