
Dang, you should have said “mostly”. Missed opportunity.

Just did that recently, and it made Hollow Knight waaaay more fun. Plus, it looks much better IMO. One fault, though, is that I don’t think there’s a central “rocking point” to prevent things like hitting left and right at the same time. Not a major problem, it just makes it a little prone to have the exact problem

Why would anyone even show the respect of calling him “Mr. President”? He doesn’t show enough respect to my Prime Minister to call him “Mister”, instead calling him by his first name constantly. Donnie Dickless doesn’t deserve even the respect of calling him by his last name. He needs to learn you earn respect.

So many great quotes.

“Scared straight? But you’re already straight.” “And I’m already scared.”

Personally about 98% handheld. The 2% was some 2 player Mario Kart and a boss fight in Zelda (forget which one, but having the Joycons able to move independently made it easier).

Going through a Floyd phase these days, and The Wall has always been one of my favourite rock albums, so my response to this article is “pick any three sequential songs from The Wall”. But, yeah, those three Wish You Were Here tunes line up just great, too. Took me some time to appreciate Have a Cigar, but now that I

At least in includes Newfoundland.

Other way around for me. But my age and experience come into play. When I first played SMB1, I was quite young (single digits, for sure, but I’m not certain beyond that). I was coming from Atari, getting used to a d-pad in place of a joystick. When I got SMB2, I had the NES experience down, many more games under my

Yep, auto-playing videos are the worst. Good thing Kotaku doesn’t do that. Well, with a properly configured AdBlock, that is.

My problem with sports as a kid was similar, but different in an important way - my dad. Dad’s biggest interest in life is hockey. My two brothers and my sister all played hockey growing up (in fact, all three earned “athlete of the year” in my high school - I’m the only one of my siblings who didn’t). I also played

The one purpose that AdBlock serves for me on your site is stopping auto-play videos. Get rid of those and I’ll whitelist.

Well, first about Twitch permabans, there’s about zero chance for it to actually ban a person, just an account. The guy creates a new email address, spoofs his IP, and he’s back time and time again. Which is why they went after the person. That’s not to justify, just to explain it (although I do personally think it

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion, but I have to ask - is it the type of punishment that you oppose, or simply the fact that they’re being punished? Would you argue that a fine is more appropriate, or that there’s no punishment required for this behaviour? Also, is “spamming shit on the internet” the extent of

Same. At one point he said something about letting someone else talk and I said “finally”. Turned out to just be game dialogue, unfortunately. Then he started up again and I muted it out of frustration.

The movie started with an evacuation which turned into a chase.

I got that impression. I don’t necessarily wanna call it “complex”, but definitely something deserving of a second viewing (already have a ticket for later this week).

If this hasn’t already been suggested, try the audiobooks. The first Hyperion book is actually read by an ensemble - one reader for each pilgrim. I tend to go through the series about once a year (ditto most of his other books, particularly Carrion Comfort). I find audiobooks require less of a commitment, since you

Yeah, I just played the Horizon DLC and it kept reminding me “hey, you can break down some of that junk you’re carrying” whenever I’d fill my inventory. The thing is, in that game I liked keeping my inventory full, just to avoid filling up on useless junk (as ass-backwards as that sounds, it worked for me). It would

This is a cool laid-back version of the tune that I wasn’t aware of, and I like it, but I still prefer the Lemonheads version. I like the way it builds up to the solo, then the strumming pattern shifts for the last verse. This one has a “Here Comes a Regular” kinda feel to it (which I do nevertheless mean as a