I thought it was named after our favourite “absolutely not a secret agent,” Chet Manly.
I thought it was named after our favourite “absolutely not a secret agent,” Chet Manly.
Title: Three Things Keanu Reeves Has Kept From Movie Sets In The Last 24 Years
Yeah, I’m a programmer with nearly 20 years of experience across many different types of projects, and I’m quite glad that you’re not my manager with an attitude like that. One thing you’re missing is that this one great programmer quite likely has zero experience with the Twitter code base, and might not even have…
Use a sharp knife. This can’t be over-stated. “Sharp enough” isn’t sharp enough. Otherwise the pressure of the knife will force the onion into falling apart. A sharp knife just cuts and doesn’t squish.
Or he could have shown some humility and said “and I’m still here!?!”
Also, the summon that most people recommend throughout the game (generally speaking) is Black Knife Tiche. However, when fighting Malenia, her “red beam attack” thing that usually does a decent chunk of damage actually adds a grey bar to the right of her health. After a while, this bar disappears and she re-gains…
I wish mine would still read memory cards. Just stopped working a couple of months ago, and there’s no way I’m buying a replacement now, with talks of a pro version still up in the air. So i have to deal with whatever can fit in the on-board storage.
Dogs have to go right away. The animal lover in me cringes every time, but, yeah, break out a silent weapon and take ‘em out right away, or at least once they get into “smelling” range.
This all snowballed because she refused to say “I’m sorry I bumped into you”, as though a simple apology...what? Makes her seem weak? She thinks it would imply the collision is her fault? She’s “free” to not have to apologize, and expecting an apology impedes her freedom? I truly don’t understand this (besides the…
Decided to give it a shot myself and managed to solve it (took me about two or three times as long as him, of course). Haven’t had to much fun with Sudoku since the early days. Now I want more...
I think it’s more “juicy” right when it comes out of the oven. Hadn’t really thought about it until now, but I know that every pizza box I’ve disposed of had a massive stain of juices and oils on the bottom, and whatever causes that massive blotch would definitely make the crust a little more soggy.
An early version of Strung Out Again (or possibly vice-versa)?
That’s what you get from anyone at all like Trump. If you cloned him, they’d talk shit about each other. Just the type of person he is.
No mention of whether or not there’s a base, like the Astro A50 set I have for my PS4. Is there one, or do these plug directly into the console via USB? Or does it connect via Bluetooth? That would be a deal breaker, since I switched to the A50s from a Turle Beach headset specifically because the Bluetooth voice chat…
You put the quotes in the wrong place, lemme fix that for you...
The Drawing of the Three is one of my favourite books/audiobooks ever. Frank Muller doing Eddie’s voice is just perfect. I tend to go through all of the DT audiobooks once every two years or so, it’s a great series, and, although Guidall does a great job of filling in for him, the best audiobooks are Muller’s.
Personal opinion - Eyes of the Dragon should be on this list. A great fantasy story (the first King book I ever read, in fact, which might lead to some bias), and Bronson Pinchot does a great job reading it.
Yeah, The Langoliers is only watchable because it’s shorter than The Tommyknockers, which is what would get my vote for WTF (or just terrible) miniseries. Just so much bad acting all around. I tried to re-watch Tommyknockers a couple years back, and just had to turn it off about a third of the way through. If The…
I feel pretty certain I’ve seen video players that will mirror to a device in fullscreen. So your monitor will have the “master” player, either windowed, maximized, fullscreen, or whatever, and the mirrored display just gets a constant fullscreen. It’s been years since I’ve used that feature, but I’m pretty sure it’s…