Throb Crunchrod

Didn't Carlin/Pryor/Kauffman do stand-up in the early days? They should bring that back. SNL is barely a "variety" show anymore.

*champing at the bit. Sorry to be that guy.

DC? I am!

I remember seeing this when it first was on Netflix streaming and absolutely loving it. I could never talk anyone into watching it with me, though. Everyone I know is dumb.

For sure. I recently started the series and just finished Midnight/Turn Left last night. Midnight is pretty much my favorite episode yet, for two reasons:

Don might not give a shit about the gender politics of Fiorello!, but I bet he'd want you to think he does.

Not to be a pedantic douche (which I guess makes me one anyway), but the correct phrase is "champing at the bit". That always irks me. Nice review though, it's pleasant to read some positive thoughts on the game for a change.

Such a shame, she was a real PhILF.

Yeah it makes sense. Just gives me the vague feeling I'm being asked to mourn a child.

Is it vaguely creepy to anyone else that literally EVERY "RIP Shirly Temple" article on the internet is using pictures from when she was a little girl? Sure, she was a child star, but she went on to do great things in her adult life. Just seems a little weird to me, even though I know that obituaries tend to use

I respect your honesty.

The only truly funny part of the backlash is the amount of people wailing that Coke had desecrated the National Anthem. If you can't tell the difference between "America the Beautiful" and "The Star Spangled Banner," you shouldn't get to VOTE, much less express an internet opinion about it.

I'm gonna just DIE when I see her at 9:30 Club. Die to death.

Can't wait for Ken Starr to write a letter demanding leniency for Bieber.

I saw her play in DC this past Halloween, and she dressed up as Adam Ant, complete with shirt open to her navel and a stuffed, muscular chest with fake chest hair and horrifying nipples. It was hilarious - I'm disappointed she's not coming around here again!

Probably for the best, Mill Burry is too busy doing mo-cap for a hugely successful and critically lauded cartoon dog movie.

He and Mill Burry can team up.

I was going to say it seems like the AV Club has a hard-on for her, then I remembered I do, too.

Do you know that there's a Book of Job thanks to Mission: Impossible? "Job 3:16"? That's how I know.

I thought it was that he never gets any, certainly not often enough to contract an STD.