
As an uninitiated it’s not an all bit much for me. I don’t read fantasy genre, but i love watching it on the screen. I haven’t read any of the screen adaptations of the beloved fantasy series in the past 20 years, but i watched them all and i judge them as works of film and tv. Unlike devoted readers who find all

Nothin screams “written by ai” like that paragraph whose two sentences both end “has a script that Terrence Malick wants him to direct.”

The episode about the group of Avatar fans is one of the best things I’ve ever seen. While it might be tempting to make fun of them or call them nerds, Wilson just lets you see them as what they really are: a group of outcasts who’ve come together to bond over something they enjoy. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Total bullshit. You call that punishment? She isn’t even going to have to deal with any dementors.

Ugh. Goodness, I hope that doesn’t mean what Urban Dictionary says it means. That would put the movie at a seven (Human Centipede) for sure.

It’s the “Goes hard in the moment, but finishes the movie with the cinematic equivalent of a strong hug” (Gerald’s Game) to “Fuck you’re feelings. In fact, not only fuck your feelings, but fuck you for thinking feelings should even exist” (A Serbian Film) scale of “How much is the film trying to traumatize me?”

Seconded. I had a separate Shudder subscription early on but I need subtitles and their native support was pretty bad. Tried it via AMC+ on a whim and have been much happier. And AMC has loads more content so even if I’m not feeling horror-y I still find enough value in the monthly cost.

It is absolutely worth it if you watch horror regularly. If it’s only an occasional thing, not so much. Subscribing to the AMC+ via Prime Video gets you Shudder as well, making it more worth it if you don’t watch horror as much.

One of these days, though, I’m going to make a list of the things Shudder has that sound good, and sub for a month to binge them. 

“Big cube city over here!” 

“I don’t understand why people feel the need for every single little thing to be spelled out for them.”

I mean, Jenna also describes Qarl and Laenor as faking his death on their own, when it was clear that all four parties were in on it since we see Daemon killing the guy they used as the burnt body and Rhaenyra explicitly says that everyone will think they were behind the murder and she’s okay with people fearing what

Last week, Laena Velaryon committed suicide by dragon-fire after a difficult labor. Her reasons for doing this are up to viewer interpretation, because the show gives us very little to go on.

I’d like to look at this from both a logical and an emotional perspective, as both have valid points:

Then please do not reply to it.

The lack of self-awareness here is astounding.

If you watch ‘The Mighty Boosh’, you’ll recognize him right away. Noel Fielding’s basically doing his ‘Hitcher’ voice as the executioner.