
Since episode reviews are appearing online, HBO might as well do a schedule change and show the episode tonight or tomorrow night.

I get it and that the season is closer to an 8 episode run time. One of the biggest enjoyments is having it to look forward to watching.

Torrent sites. Watch out for fakes and malicious pop up ads. I would post the link but HBO is reported to be pretty aggressive on trying to take it down.

Besides the fact he wants to turn everyone into a zombie?

It has been commented on before that character development dropped after they passed the story-lines in the books. Lack of imagination aside, they are approaching endgame and further character development has taken a back seat to the end result. However, I would enjoy more episodes and a slower pace story. I think

She sends him battling dragons with one unmanned giant crossbow. That was risky.

I think it would make more sense for Cersei to send an observer North of Wall to report back than having the group bring a zombie to Kings Landing. She could have sent Jaimie and that would have made for some interesting dialogue between he and Jon.