
I was always a bit jealous that despite spending a long amount of time pouring over the American Girl catalogue ads as a kid, my parents got one for my sister but not for me.

An alternate perspective in the interest of sanity:

on the upside, the panel ended up being more realistic than cynical. the person presenting repeatedly said that if you’re in games purely to make money, you should probably go do something else. they also shared some interesting stats about steam, which they got by running numbers from steamspy. such as:

This fucking argument, as usual.

When did cartoony graphics go away? They’re all over the place, and always have been.

Like Borderlands (esp. 2) versus GoW’s Next-Generation Dirt?

So I used to live next to a smaller scale suicide hotspot in Japan. They are everywhere. Little towns, high bridges, deep lakes, train stations, quiet valleys. Unless you plan to level and bubble wrap the whole country, you aren’t stopping it. There are signs, laws, volunteers, public awareness. It’s a recognized

Aside from tugging on the ol’ heartstrings (what? I’ve got something in my eye), stories like this serve as a reminder that art of all kinds has the power to touch the lives of those who consume it—but we should also remember that fans and their reactions can have a significant impact on the creators of that art as

It was, but it’s sales & implementation rate WERE TERRIBLE for that market. The floating point performance niche it had at launch was quickly surpassed by commoditized consumer GPU hardware and it’s obtuse & niche design (XDR memory bus say what??? This was such a huge problem for sales that IBM had to redesign the

It’s power was mostly due to it having many specialized cores in addition to one full core. However, that was also it’s downfall. A whole lot of extra cores, but their functionality was limited, leaving one full core to handle the bulk of the work.
The PS3's biggest feature that made it slightly edge the X360 was it’s

Technically, it’s a slightly cut-down version of a 1-year-old remaster of a 6-year-old game.

OLED won’t happen unless the prices drop a significant amount.

It’s a little weird to come across this stuff, but my attitude is live and let live. It’s not hurting me and there are way weirder, more harmful things people can get up to in life. People have urges by nature, and this is a harmless outlet for them.

First, speaking as an educator, I can totally understand why someone would leave the profession in a heartbeat, depending on the subject they teach.

I’m an English professor. I primarily teach Rhetorical Composition (academic argument/formal logic) and Literature. The absolute shit that so many people believe passes

To me!

It’s Shulk REYN time!

No, absolutely not. It does not matter how much they are paid or how much they are in the public eye. Having naked images of you stolen and then being blackmailed to prevent their release is 100% NOT part of their job.

Born in a world of strife....

Let’s not lose our heads though