
Fire Danny into the Sun.


Absolute terrible idea... whatever, the best recent installments had minimal, or zero, Jedi involvement anyway. 

This article, and the comments about it, is further proof of the absolute trash the AV Club has become. To think, this site used to be fantastic. 10+ years ago....

This article is proof that The AV Club is dead...

The G/O commentariat are as ridiculous, as they are predictable. 


No. Ground zero... if I'm wrong, tell me..... look at you, blowing shit up

Does Sam Barsanti endorse AI creating articles on AV Club?!

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter...

 Surprised he watched at all...

Gotta love the liberal circle jerk AVC comment section... It’ll be a joy to watch Biden get eviscerated by whomever the RNC, be it DeSantis or not, nominates. Get out of your echo chamber....

She was on ST’s for what..... a minute, like not even exaggerating?!

It nearly makes me insane.... that The Stand is probably one of the best pieces of fiction written(post 70ish)and no one can turn it into a decent series. I thought the TV movie sucked, until I watched the new miniseries.....

Yo momma’s so fat, that when she fell, no one was laughing but the ground was cracking up.

Just clicked on the tweet.... to further my disinterest, 3 f'n s2 was bad

Will it make the last episode less shitty, will it make up for whatever that season was....

Its really hard to believe Cera is an as$hole,'s kinda not.

So sad, to see a woman ruin her body, because of mental illness. 

Let a white male host, just to be inclusive, since we when like 15 years with a asian host.... the white gal, s1, she got fired....