Original premis, disaster. I'm looking forward to watching this train wreck.
Its like you are looking for a prize?!?!.......wait.
Honestly... you’re right.... She didn’t get gifted into a billion dollar franchise, Marvel/DC/SW...
Im sorry.... who?! Who the fuck is she?
Honestly, I’m guessing, it’s Paradox, they aren’t going for the Sims crowd. If they are going to throw money at it, I’d hope it’s something different, not EA/Sims.
The Oscar statue, if the patriarchal assholes had added a penis, you would have asked it to removed...
Wanted wanted to go see Cure... but I was to busy paying off payments so my kids could see T. Swift
McDs is huuuuge.
Alton, is it you?
As a long time cook..Oil or butter, usually not butter, as it’s expensive.
Wait... wait.... let's slap a penis on it, call it a girl, and call it funny?!
Joke? Please don’t mask your bullshit as humor...
The progressive b.s. is so subtle,'s still there.
Her entire life will explode once people start looking into her weird ass son. Whatever... he’s a known degenerate. I can only imagine the amount of child porn he’s schlepped onto Reddit...
Go on? We gonna exchange pics?
Fuck'em Island.... lol