
The fact that you don’t find anything disturbing about a multi billion dollar company using LGTBQ rights to boost their profile says a lot. If Disney gave a shit about people they wouldn’t do things like suppress wages in the communities they operate. But go on, tell me more about Disney fighting for the rights of

Fire him and his family into the sun...

 Virtue signaling, Disney is an awful company, a cancer to the communities in which it operates. Painting them in a positive light, for your liberal readers, is a disservice to everyone. Disney only cares about one thing, how much money they can make off of you.

Conservative.... BAD! Liberal... GOOD!

They should have left Danny and Ed buried on Mars, if the show leans any harder on the Danny/Karen/Ed storyline my head will explode. 

She was legit awful in Impeachment:ACS, though just about everything but Annaliegh Ashford as L. Tripp was as well. 

 Probably because the show is absolutely terrible. 

This is a classic pretend to be poor show... it’s neither white/brown/black. It’s fantasy, for people with money. It’s glorification of the poor... does it end up, as a gritty white story, sure... rich white people, male and female produced it. Some rich ass chef, some multi-group owner, and some dumbass producers

Yes...Mann used music.. 

I’ve watched the Sopranos multiple times, no.... at no point during the Sopranos, and I love it, did music become the focus.... maybe I should watch it again 

When it’s cold, bothered me, I searched for it....I new it was a 90s song... I searched, and it was. I heard Moby..... I’m a 90s kid, it was a thing!!! It killed me....

 Honestly,  I'm just glad so many other people are so focused on music and score in a TV series....

Bro... please don’t, with Michael Mann.. he did a thing recently... a show. He did an episode, ok..... then he stopped

God bless man, so much to look through. I’d say,ok, sure.  I would reinforce what I said.... name a better recent series,  a better soundtrack....

Bro, attack my name, how fitting. Would you rather I had a pronoun? Maybe you could figure it out

Yeah... yall call it war, when we don’t agree with you. By we, I mean the masses....

Fuck your rights... you keep pushing bullshit agenda...own it. It’s yours. You are not special, I don’t care who you are, or want to fuck. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL. Yall pushed bullshit that Americans don't want, own it. This radical Trans agenda,  radical CRT agendas they don't want it. Yall call it racism, or trumpism...

Tankie/Nazi.... one or the other

They would call me a pro life Nazi.... but they call everyone a nazi, so....