Slag Nasty

She then gave her daughter another million dollars of campaign money for vacuuming her office. Auntie Jemima Waters everyone! The FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME winner of the most corrupt member of congress award!

When is the last time there was a lynching in America?

Seriously, what local law enforcement agency has the extra money or manpower to dedicate all the people necessary to sit in front of video monitors 24/7/365 watching everybody out on bail??? And you call the judge crazy???

Got $5 that says this is a fake racism thing....

Hm...I just saw a picture of this man Sami Ali, and it makes me think that these types of notes are becoming the new way to advertise a new business. Hey, whatever works, right?

I’m sorry, but Waters has flipped her wig. She’s batshit crazy. Her insane tirades will not help Democrats at the polls, and when shit starts happening — like Markara Man threatening the lives of the Pai’s children — you gonna say anything about that?

Go read your girl’s article on “the White Moderates” Dr. King warned of in his letter from the Birmingham jail.” Now is not the time to be shushed by white folks, folks telling us to be civil. Public harassment without violence IS PROTECTED SPEECH UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. White supremacists know this well! We need to

I’m glad this guy is in jail and I hope he remains bound over with no bail until trial. Why do you people care about this animal? He went on a rape spree. I only think only humans should be afforded human rights.

Yeah I think it might be fake. That’s just not how white supremacists communicate.

Are we sure a white person made this ugly note?

Replace “racist” with “sinners” and this article makes more sense. The people calling white people “racist” are using the same tactics as the fundamentalist calling people sinners. You are trying to de-humanize people who don’t kowtow to your vision of ideological purity. Its despicable.

this bitch just calls anyone who doesnt agree with her bullshit a “supremacist”  fuck her.

To hate white people so intensely, y’all seem to obsess about them an awful lot

Everybody refers to the street they live on as their street, you silly negus.

Is your entire career built around shameless race-baiting? You’re not a journalist, you are a professional bigot.

funny how you call out tucker carlson as a member of the klu klux klan while espousing their rhetoric. “Now I understand: It is just what white people do.”

“It’s just what white people do.” ?

fuck you then , you dont want whites to read your blog or what ever you want to call this what about a half white half mexican am i “allowed “ on your street , you know what fuck you i go to whatever street i want too , and what

One of these days you are going to chimp out and attack a white woman. It’s inevitable. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Please stop being racist. That would be great. Thanks.