
I’d totally be down to pay for access to Great Hill free Deadspin, Lifehacker, Kotaku, io9, Gizmodo, Jezebel, etc. in a monthly subscription format.

I’ve got it and yeah like everyone else says it suuuuucks. I’ve found the only real trigger is porters and stouts. I can have one, but more than that and around 3-4am I’ll start to feel it in my toe. I’ve pretty much eliminated them from what I drink and I’ve cut back on drinking. Also, my wife hasn’t eaten red meat

I lose it every time I see this one.  It was awesome.

I’d give anything to enjoy stouts and porters again, but my gout flares up when I have more than one of them. And it hurts so goddamn much I don’t even chance 1 anymore unless its a very special beer. It’s funny but other beer styles (IPA’s, lagers, Belgian’s, pilsners, saisons, etc.) don’t cause flares.

He has absolutely no redeeming qualities as a writer. At all. Its as if his writing is just a bunch of sentences thrown together as he thinks them up with no thought to coherence and no editing.  I can’t stand him.

Haha, you definitely got me there!

The Cowboys played without both their starting OT’s and their #1 receiver got hurt early in the 1st quarter.  Injuries happen to all teams

As much as I’d like to see that, I don’t see either of these teams doing much in the playoffs once one of them can keep from shitting themselves long enough to “win” the division.

Definitely.  Has to be players and/or managers on the field of play in baseball.  Football teams have coaches and spotters up high to see “keys” and make adjustments.

Stealing third base coach signs was fairly easy for my coach... he was a bit different.  And stealing catcher signs from second was hit or miss but most teams weren’t looking for us to be stealing them so we got away with it most times.  Arms out straight for fastball, and hands on hip for breaking ball.

I get what your saying and agree for the most part, but there are still plenty of NFL coaches that play THEIR system regardless of personnel and regardless of what the other team does. I mean, watching the Andy Reid era Eagles throw the ball 60 times against a team ranked dead fucking last in rush defense is just one

Exactly. It’s part of the game that we were taught in 9th grade baseball. Basically divide the team up when batting and have some look at fielder positioning and see if they move prior to the pitch to see if it’s a fastball or breaking ball; some looking at the catcher to see if he’s holding his fingers too low; some

Isn’t the reason these teams screw up with maddening frequency because the Patriots make you beat them with the weakest parts of the team? He actively game plans to take away your strengths so the opponents need to beat him with their weakest links who are much more prone to making mistakes. So if you have a strong

They sell at the Ambler Farmer’s market on I believe Saturdays.  At least they used to.

To all the ESB lovers, if you are in the Philadelphia Suburbs there’s a great TINY brewery in Ambler that makes unbelievable Saisons, but always has one or two very good ESB’s on tap. Everything Forest and Main makes is absolutely great!

All I got was a valium pill that was appropriate for someone half my size.  Rich people.

Exactly.  I’m not sure why there are so many people against this and saying they are the same as loot boxes. Sure the drop is random, but YOU DON’T HAVE TO BUY. You can wait until it’s something you like and if you don’t then trash it. Pretty simple.

It could be either I guess.  I’m not sure of the original but I use Holmes.

Eh.  What are you gonna do?

Not yet.