I don't know, I think big name AAA games try to get the vast majority to say they are awesome:
I don't know, I think big name AAA games try to get the vast majority to say they are awesome:
I didn't miss the point, I just didn't agree with it.
"There wasn't anything really wrong with FFXIII"
I think almost all of their best work is on handhelds though.
Its sales aren't that high. How many other numbered FF's were multi-plat? Not to mention it IS a numbered FF. Anything less than 5 million copies should be worrisome. And not to mention the first numbered FF on a console generally outperforms subsequent iterations. And it hit the bargain bit pretty quickly. …
Do you have any that says its firmware 3.61?
Its highly unlikely. A new game comes out, and causes identical issues, on 2 completely different consoles.
FF13 has come full circle.
It doesn't ALWAYS mean false, but in this case, it does mean it.
That's weird. I did sent it.
I'm not sure what French has to do with anything. She never spoke any.
It could very well be.
This is all fine and dandy. But I also believe that Kotaku has a responsibility to its readers (they wouldn't be here if not for us) to ensure that the news is as clear as humanly possible. They must know that a TON of people either don't read the full article, or read it on their smart phones, so only read maybe…
Be sure not to drive on that day :)
Ok, its sent.
I have like, 8 PSP's.
Ain't that the truth.
"Honey, remember that ugly view of the neighbors house we had before....."
But if it died before you got LA Noire, how could your gaming experience with LA Noire possibly be affected?
I imagine a simple patch would fix the issue.