
I don't see anything in that link that "implicitly suggests that running in Vibram Five Fingers is not the same as running barefoot". And I truly don't care if it does or does not- whether you run barefoot or run in Vibrams has no effect on me except that it ensures you are behind me in a race.

Sorry, I was being sarcastic- Kenyans and Ethiopians train in the same shoes as elite American runners, and none of them wear barefoot-type shoes.

Sorry I was being sarcastic- Kenyan and Ethiopians do not wear barefoot shoes. As soon as Nike offers them shoes, they wear and train in regular running shoes. No elites (literally zero) train in barefoot/minimalist shoes except for very minor striding/weight lifting.

I don't get it, if these are so bad for runners then why do all of the elite Kenyans and Ethiopians train exclusively barefoot and in barefoot shoes??? ANSWER THAT MR SMART GUY

Looks like they duped Gear Patrol!

The meet was more than just Lolo Jones hurdling- it had two field events, 400m men and women, 100m men, 800m women, 1500m men, 3K steeple men, and probably others I'm forgetting.

This was my first car- four doors, black, Sport. The bench in the back lifted up and you could fit a 30 pack of beer er soda under there. Best high school car ever.

I'm a huge fan of track and field, I live in Bloomington, and I'd normally do anything to see an elite track meet like this. Unfortunately, they scheduled it the night before the Indy Mini, the largest half-marathon in the country. Most people who care about the sport were racing the next morning at 7:45AM- my

If you want your kid to be a great sprinter, they don't need to move and train in Jamaica. They need to be born there.

That is literally the exact point I made above. Exact.

I'm an obsessed runner, and I've been in this situation a couple of times in the last two years. My town has a running path that goes for 7 or 8 miles out and back, but it's pretty narrow, and once a year an organization has a 5K on it. I've been caught in the middle of it twice. Just a few weeks ago I ended up in a

That presents an interesting conundrum to, say, 1:10-1:20 half marathoners. Do you go all out and race because you've been training and you really want that PR, or do you take an opportunity to run a race with Meb? I'd run with Meb.

There's a big difference between "oh, you're running a 10K in my neighborhood today, so I'll just jump in and run most of the course and not take a medal" and "the Chicago marathon is on October 12th and I didn't get in, but I really want to be able to say I ran Chicago so I'm just going to sneak into it and run the

Thanks! I'll recommend that to her. I am positive we have at least five boxes of each Chex cereal in our pantry right now.

That's the thing- I didn't even have to read it thoroughly. It took a two minute skim to see you contradict yourself. You're right, by spending any time at all on it, I lost. With that shit of a blog post, there are no winners.

I love fried fish and fish tacos, but my wife is allergic to gluten (no, really- she has celiac disease. Shut up, yes I know going gluten-free is a fad, but she really has celiac. It's terrible. It's her only negative attribute. Anyway. What do I use instead of panko?

Holy shit I actually read more of your blog and it got worse! How is that even possible that you seriously believe the shit you wrote?

Wow that is some seriously shitty writing. Let's start here:


No, it's not. Nike shoes and Skechers shoes and Adidas shoes and Asics shoes are pretty much identical- Meb didn't get injured wearing shitty Nike shoes, he got injured running 100+ miles a week from his early twenties onward. Nike shoes don't cause pelvic stress fractures; running very fast very long distances for a