
Al certainly was not a bigot.

Nothing more empowering than name-calling. Congrats on moving on to third grade, JDR!


Boy, that'll show em! I'm still waiting for that Hollywood strike they proposed.

I still don't get it, either, for what that's worth. :(

I forget which grade (5th?), four kids from my class got to appear on an episode. One team, both boys, were in the "cool" crowd, so people expected big things. They didn't win, and I forget most of what happened. But one thing I never forget is: they were asked a question "What was the dog's name on The Jetsons?"

Never got into it, but come for the recap and comments of a show you're not into?

Random question, but did anyone make out what was on Kelly's shirt? I only got a glance or two, but for some reason, it reminded me of the goofy monkey face from ST:TNG that was all-powerful and killed a redshirt just to see death.

I think I first saw this almost by accident, when I THINK the first season was being re-aired before the second, or something? I was surprised how much I liked it. Stuck with it until the end, but the end was almost unbearable. I forget the timeline in the middle, but I remember it being very good, then "this show

fucking pigs

Not sure why, but I was caught off-guard when he said it was his house.. I burst out laughing. Best part of the show, though I liked the prolonged student driver car leaving at the end..

As I mentioned way down below, I also rode the loop… and I don't remember the instructions, but I agree.. it was over before I knew it.

I've been there a few times. I'm proud to say, one of those visits saw the Cannonball Loop open, and a few of us rode it successfully. No injuries of any sort. A fact I hold dear to my heart.

Never tried this. Was it better than the beverage known as Greedings?

I've liked them (political BS aside) almost from the beginning. I still consider Vs. to be their best album. I'm also someone who liked certain songs that just got so overplayed, that I turn them off now when they come on. Alive. Yellow Ledbetter. Jeremy. More, but I've bored you enough.

Apparently I'm pretty alone (here) on this, but the last few episodes have all been disappointing. I was impressed with the first half of the season pretty much, but other than a sketch or two since then, it felt very average. This finale didn't even get a chuckle out of me. Oh well.