I would also like to propose the edit from M1911 to M9 3/4
I would also like to propose the edit from M1911 to M9 3/4
Bannon really shouldn’t be calling other people fat.
I’m almost 36 and have the same dream.
YASSSS I saw that too... also now that I know OG 90210 is on Hulu, I know how I’ll be spending my morning.
I’d like to see scrapping these walls...
I claim Cameron Catalina
Practical Magic is one of my FAVORITE movies and I love her in it.
he’s a swamp goblin.
when the Emperor is wearing no clothes does your dad swear he can see that the Emperor is clearly wearing a 3 piece suit?
omg I hope they have a feud.... In real time, not had one in the 80s and got over it.
what movie was that?
I had one teacher where that *might* have worked... but only if I was up late watching a Mets game AND they won. Our quizzes level of difficulty was based on their W/L over the season.
which is why I hedged with *mostly* the same character, there’s always a few outliers.
Tom Cruise isn’t going to be in a movie that isn’t at least 95% about Tom Cruise’s character... which is mostly the same character type he’s been playing since Top Gun.
backwards and in heals chienfou, backwards and in heels.
OMG this is the Resolute desk now isn’t it?
depends... my grandmother’s husband has it, and some days he sits quietly throughout conversations, sometimes he gets the conversations we’re having and participates (not often anymore though), and sometimes he takes serious offense to gentle family teasing, the other night he tried to dump his drink on my dad because…
seriously though... this excuse is unacceptable for a grade-schooler, let alone a senator!
I don’t disagree. I just think their *feelings* on whether or not they have been victimized shouldn’t bear weight on whether or not they were legally... The state doesn’t need to forgive him, the people don’t need to forgive him, he’s not entitled to a job, this isn’t the media’s fault. This is his fault, and to a…