pregnancy announcement and mannequin challenge? Ew.
pregnancy announcement and mannequin challenge? Ew.
the second photo weirded me out more than the first... (the first got a hard eye roll), but why is her hair not floating in the water? How does it just stay down like that?
suck it up and take it like a man, woman. If a man got this news he’d be back at work, this is how equality works.
nope, but he’s handing out bootstraps on the capitol lawn later.
I’m in California. I say welcome!
...meant to respond to another post... and the pic was too big anyway... and why won’t kinja let you delete shit!?
I’m so incredibly disappointed in Netflix right now, because they do not stream Designing Women.
I remember that! I was a huge fan of Vicki Lawrence as a kid. I loved Mama’s Family.
this is great... and for some odd reason it made me think of “the night the lights went out in Georgia” which OF COURSE made me think of this.
but that’s sinful....
Just because she has money doesn’t diminish or lessen her battle. She doesn’t have any responsibility to disclose her treatment. This isn’t some sort of weird competition. Depression sucks for everyone.
I hope he isn’t related to Lisa Loeb... because she’s really the only one that matters. To me anyway.
you could say the same thing about the clothes Mormon women wear, should we ban maxi dresses too?
you know your circumstances, you don’t know theirs... nothing beyond what they let out into the world. it’s not your place to say they need to bury the hatchet and move on.
I don’t remember my first Jezebel article, but Lindy is the reason I kept coming back. I felt like I lost a friend when she left this site.
some people in my family still try to pass it off as a SALAD! {laughing crying emoji}