
I just didn’t know, not in the field, thanks for explaining it :-)

she could have sold a ton of advertising space and made it a paying position, it’s not like she didn’t have connections to wealthy business people.... and upgraded the office’s dire computer situation.

but she was also offered ANY position she wanted at Chilton (except music comp) if she went back to school and got her masters... with all the time and trust fund money she seems to have on her hands, that was a wasted golden opportunity as well. But she looked at it like it was a steaming pile at the dog park.

and then there was the Wookie....

was she mid-level though? She had one successful article.

maybe she only gets a monthly stipend and she burned through it all flying back and forth to London.

and whats with the “I don’t have any underwear” bit... seriously, go to the nearest Kohls and pick up some jockeys already.

Kmart, Walmart, OSH, Lowes, Target, TrueValue, Sears... there’s options


buses with chalkboard paint on the side of them will probably let you put your theme on it.

or let you put your magnetic banner on it.

damnit, I should have read the other comments. #ifeltsosymbolic

ummmm Counting Crows #mrjonesandme and you can follow up with #telleachotherfairytales #greyguitar

maybe she thinks she’s being generous and not including someone’s great grandparents as well?


because in their minds holding an aspirin between your knees is much more cost effective than comprehensive sex ed and providing contraceptives.

totally downloaded the brand new Vampire Lestat book today.

I thought it was a koala

or maybe they can’t afford to take the time off work, life is expensive and if one person is down, the other might have to work to pay all the bills that are going to pile up. It may not be that they don’t care, but that they don’t want to be homeless when their spouse gets out of the hospital.

sometimes I wonder if we’re just Sims to some otherworldly creatures.

a lot of parents have a hard time recognizing what shitstains their children are (even if they are adult children).... Remember Brock Turner’s daddy?