
or perhaps one of Malfoy’s offspring.

if you put dark hair on Megyn Kelly, does she become Kris Jenner? That main pic is messing with my head.

that’s the real story here...

I’d rather be nouveau riche than no riche at all YAYA!!

I had HALF a Benadryl and no alcohol on the 4th of July and kept telling my BF that I was a bassett hound because my face felt droopy.

“felony indecent assault”
are there decent assaults? or does indecent = sexual in nature? legalspeak can be confusing.

maybe they were stored in the cloud... no one knows how it works really anyway.

well, I for one, am super thankful that Kim Davis now has a fallback job opportunity if the whole county clerk thing doesn’t work out for her. #blessed

sure because the prospect of being jailed won’t make it even more difficult for DV survivors to come forward.

except all you’ll hear are excuses if the shooter is white, like how the system failed him, mental illness, lone wolf, isolated incident, no record of previous violence, maybe a story about how some girl didn’t want to date him., no ties to anything that could be construed as negative... it would just be a horrific

Jen Lancaster’s memoirs are seriously the best.

Sigh indeed... and there is a place for #4, but it their own articles... yes we know a lot of police to a lot of good work... but it’s like saying #NotAllMen on an article about a rapist.

didn’t he also get caught going to a happy endings massage parlor?

I’m looking up “Everytime” now... I don’t remember it.

but... it’s a beach towel, no?

I thought Donald Trump was the Donald Trump of reality tv??

I don’t see any straps on those boots... how will I ever pull myself up with them?

ABC might give just give her another show instead.

how about eat, pray, shove... more delicious food in my mouth!

I do what I want!!