The NASCAR and UPS steering forces cancel out, meaning it can only ever go straight.
The NASCAR and UPS steering forces cancel out, meaning it can only ever go straight.
Will it turn left, ever?
A little background:
FYI those aren’t weight sensors, those would be super expensive and failure prone to install everywhere. The sensors to open gates or trigger stop lights are inductive loop sensors that are triggered by metal being passing over them. An extension cord plugged into itself or a trash can usually have enough metal to…
Not really. Zoning requirements are a HUGE drag on construction and one of the prime reasons housing prices are so ridiculously high in some areas of the country:
The issue here is not AirBnB. The issue is local zoning. A Venn diagram of Nimby’s and ppl yelling about AirBnB would be a circle.
CNN updated the source article with this additional paragraph shortly after Aimee made this post.
I find it incredibly distracting. I’m also not an asshole though so if someone deaf/hearing impaired needed it on I wouldn’t be upset, I’d just deal with it.
Agreed. As for your grammar question, “between” is a preposition. Prepositions take objects. Therefore, the decision is between her (object pronoun) and her (possessive adjective) doctor.
Love it. You all get your union?
I used to be on Slate almost every day, and would find The Root stuff there. Now I’m on Deadspin every day, and The Root has followed suit. Kinda comforting, actually.
That’s Star Trek. Nerd card revoked.
Mental illness is still taboo in our society and sometimes the rate of denial among family and spouses is on par with substance abuse addiction. Kim is a person of normal intelligence, and I assume she like most people would be the last person to recognize that their spouse needs professional help. It’s easy for third…
On a related note, I’m getting sick of hearing about who of the loyal opposition is willing to work with this autocratic shitbag. Who among the GOP is willing to stand up? That is almost the only thing that maters. McCain? Graham? Sasse?
Jesus Christ, you goon. I love you. I hope Terry Crews pulls out your spine.
I work for an agency in another state where this would NOT be tolerated. Good lord. However, it is unfortunate that we are one of the few states that offers good re-entry and training programs (along with college courses and HSE programs that are well-regarded) in the country. Most states have cut these due to…
I’m a side sleeper and most of those memory foam pillows are too thin for me, I wake up with pains in my shoulder. This should be divided into sections for side sleepers and back sleepers...
I’m a side sleeper and most of those memory foam pillows are too thin for me, I wake up with pains in my shoulder.…