
Because they figured out how to make cheap holograms?

I know the same studio animated them all, but was there every any story-basis to think that Thundercats, Silverhawks, and Tigersharks were part of the same universe?

Tracker's going to lead the mission /

The gas station in the side of the mountain did really good business.

You're asking much of my childhood memory for song, but they all had day jobs they had to deviate from (recall the Mission:Impossible team building for each episode), so being crime-fighters was effectively an overtime gig for them.

"You'd have plenty of money, Matt Tracker, if you just sold your damn tech to the US military and didn't waste your R&D budget on that infuriating wanna-be R2-D2 deathtrap of a scooter you son rides without a helmet."

The post-singularity/apocalyptic backstory was a very good conceit though. The main villain had a legitimate scary power too, control of aging.

M.A.S.K. easily has the best 80's rock show intro of all such cartoons.

Bronn would have had his personal coat of arms to show off to Tyrion last week too.

That's actually going to happen, and they are going to be the protagonist pair in True Detective: Season 2