
I think this is the main take-away. There is likely possible to find some correlation between homophobic views and race, but if one looks into the actual polling data and potential confounding factos, one will find that it is not in fact skin color that is influencing opinion (it seldom is, melanin is not notably

Since Futurama is pretty bad at main plot in general, I find it weird that the review focus so much on it.
Futurama works best when it is a quote generator and weird premise machine. The plot is never "good".

People dislike "A tale of two Santas" but have heaps of praise for "Jurrasic Bark", a very dull and schamlzy episode that never did anything for me. Weird.

Non-blind let's plays are of no interest to me. Blind Let's plays lets me experience the thrill of playing the game for the first time again, but Let's plays that are just longwinded recaps of something the player has done before are not interesting at all.

Since they killed the best character in the show in episode 1 to facilitate the development of the worst, this comes as no surprise to me.

You can have a drinking problem (that is, drink to forget your son is dead and it is partially your fault) while not being an alcoholic (addicted to alcohol). Mike likely had the former, but never the latter.

It sometimes annoys me that people can't have a drinking problem on a TV-show without being an alcoholic. It is possible to drink to excess and not be an addict, you know.

It is a good thing you are here to correct the collective opinion of television critics and the general viewing public, otherwise Mad Men would enjoy its reputation of having perhaps the best cast on TV, a cast that elevates the material, without any challenge.

Turns out they are all Kosh.