Moose Knuckle

Well cool, gun violence is solved now.

Except that’s not what this new ATF rule does. So called “ghost guns” are legal to use and own under federal law and will remain so without updated legislation. This legislation doesn’t change that. A legally-possessed ghost gun used in a federal crime wouldn’t be treated any differently than a legally-possessed gun

There are democrats that also support gun rights too. That is the reason the last director of the ATF didn’t make it through, several democrats were not going to let someone that over zealous on gun control get into power. Guns are not a republican vs democrat fight as much as many will have you believe. While a lot

What do you Americans make Serial Numbers out of? It must be a pretty strong material if can protect people from guns. 

Where to begin?

So where is the car at now? Chilling in someone's service bay? Resold? Just curious as much as this guy is a retard.

Of Elon? WTF are you talking about. Deranged, sure. But he certainly doesn’t spend his time stockpiling wealth.  It’s all from tesla stock growth.  All.

Right, as if she wasn’t in the orbit of people who weren’t pedophiles. She’s in pictures with a million people, because she was a climber. Are/were they all terrible people?

Elon Musk is like a walking SEC investigation waiting to happen.  Musk was probably informed that he’d have to stop making certain tweets as a member of the board and that just ruins his stock manipulation tactics.  

why post a picture of Elon Musk with Ghislaine Maxwell?

If I’d paid for an airline ticket and got stuck on a bus, I would be livid. 

Recycling is inherently good

The man is a mechanical engineer and a tv presenter, his job is to say things people pay him to say. Are you dense?

The most “problematic” thing about this whole scenario, is you calling out Nye as a sellout. You go to great lengths to explain how coke has a huge problem with waste, yet somehow insinuate it’s Bill Nye’s fault for making a commercial. Bill Nye has done more in his 66 years on this planet to educate children and

He owns a plurality not a majority. He is the now largest shareholder but doesn’t own anything close to a majority.

Now playing

Because cheap, quick meals is something people just shouldn’t be allowed access to?

This article is pretty much useless without pictures.

Elizabeth, you are to be congratulated on not doing this a a slideshow, but you still need to include pictures of these itchy plants.  What is the plant at the top? I have it in my yard, and I would like to know it’s name.

The Strategic Reserves were originally meant to only be accessed in times of National Emergency. Now, it seems every President taps them in order to keep their polling numbers up.

More use of the strategic oil reserve to use as a political tool. Joy.