Moose Knuckle

Sounds like a lot of work.

You’re suddenly introducing another potential source of bacteria—raw egg residue—into the place where you store your eggs. If you think that any remaining eggs are safe just because their shells are intact, think again.

 Oh Heil no. That isn’t her real last name is it??

I’ve been doing this my entire cooking life. My Dad (whom I learned to cook from) and grandmother both put shells right back in the carton as they broke open eggs. Always seems less messy than eggy stuff getting all over the counter/floor on the way to the trash can. Then when the eggs are used up, I throw the whole

“The name change has prompted all the usual reactions that follow some type of shift in language away from something racist, ableist, or misogynistic, to something more inclusive.”

it’s referencing that the person staying in the room is the master of everyone else in the house

The Land Cruiser is the only one of these worth mourning.

here’s hoping the slideshows die in 2022

@BKB. No, most people are not delicate flowers. But the holier than thouWoke-ists” thrive on taking the mundane and falsely creating racial turmoil. I believe that they see any chance to try to divide our country and keep us at each other’s throats based on race, economics, gender, etc., is their primary goal in

Are people really such delicate flowers?

no. This is rediculous.

If it was called the Master bedroom in reference to slavery and an fuck you to black folks wouldn’t the other bedrooms in the house have been referred to as slave bedrooms?

The real problem in this article is that feelings based on imagination impacts anything:

1) The term wasn’t used until 60 years after the end of slavery, so it obviously has nothing to do with that

2) The term is used for the biggest bedroom, whether the couple is white, black, yellow etc, whether they’re married or

Weird. If it was called “Master’s Bedroom” that would be one thing. That being said, the connotation behind master has always been about dominance, be it as one who educates or otherwise, so the connection to slavery isn’t as far is it might seem.

If offeneded by this you are, a shit I don’t give

one day these folks might do something really important in terms of pushing social justice forward... but if we look back and they are those folks that tried to explain how using “master” = racism then they will fail.

I’m sorry, but this is incredibly asinine. I’m all about pronouns, gay rights, trans rights, BLM, First Nations, and things that really matter. But this? Please stop. Next thing you’ll ask to change the Les Miserable lyrics (can’t have “Master of the House,” can we?), Aziz Ansari comedies on Netflix (“Master of None?”

My point is that just because white people didn’t own slaves in the 1920's didn’t mean they stopped fantasizing about it and using language to reinforce the idea of their own superiority.

Wokeness at its worst. This solves nothing and causes churn. If anyone is hurt or offended by that word - they are too brittle and the outside world os not for them. There are real problems out there (climate change) vs being over sensitive to peoples feelings. 

Not everyone want’s an electric truck that looks like a spaceship.  If you don’t like it, don’t buy it.