Moose Knuckle

Nova Scotia Duck Trolling Retriever

“Imagine if she’d joined the Army? It was segregated until 1948.”

Welcome to: When Reposting Twitter Drama Goes Wrong - AV Club Edition.

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

“At that age [19], teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.”

“Sorry! I should have asked Jeeves about it!” -Ellie Kemper

I’m really confused here as if the parents wealth was never a secret, what is a real revelation here? That Kemper won a creepy sounding pageant when she was pretty young? Also yeah, she was 19 then, but apparently grew up in a sheltered environment and might not have been able to make certain connections about things

The Atlantic reported in 2014 that the Veiled Prophet Organization barred Black and Jewish people from joining.

So she entered a pageant and/or attended some weird debutante event. Is there any indication that she was aware it had a racist history? It may be hard for some on here to believe, but googling the damn thing wasn’t an option in 1999.

I’ll never understand why the people most concerned with ‘flag code,’ are always the people who have it as a wrap on their car, have a flag with Trump’s face overlaid on it hanging off the front of their house, and weirdly enough are totally cool with the confederate flag.

I think my favorite was when the guy said he liked music, so they destroyed his car to fit the world’s largest speaker in the back, taking up the entire back seat and cargo area.

The one with the limo. Instead of just installing an intercom, they added a vacuum tube & canister system, like bank drive-throughs use. Because nothing says luxury like communicating with your driver via handwritten notes.

Overhaulin’ was so much better.

This would make a great topic for QOTD. Which Pimp my ride car was your favorite? Mine is absolutely the one where they put a chocolate fountain in above giant subs:

This is still my favorite:

You laugh, but the breakfast sequence in the opening was often the best part about the episodes, especially in the later seasons.

His son should hunt him down and kill him.

Also, is Yvonne Strahovski and Dexter’s son going to come back? If not — how does that make sense?!?!

There was plenty of Doakes to go around.

The high - mid level optioned Camry take is wrong.