Moose Knuckle

Hardly anyone even interacts anymore. Rare is a comment section halfway active and I hardly ever see most authors respond to legitimate comments. Sad what these sites turned into.

This site is pure garbage now

Homelessness is caused by insufficient housing supply, rising rents, and stagnant wages.

Yeah I can’t say the last time I heard anyone talking about these

3-4k feet really isn’t that high. I never noticed anything from my trips to Colorado but when I went to Cusco, Peru (over 11k feet) I got winded going up one flight of stairs. It was pretty insane how going from sea level to 11k affected me.

N of 1 and everything but I’ve noticed anytime I get a vaccine if I go do a shoulder workout after I have considerably less shoulder pain. It still gets sore but not as bad.

I never understood why people get so mad when the executive director at a large non-profit makes a reasonable salary. In order to efficiently run these non-profits you need talented individuals. Even the salaries people complain about are far less than they could get in the for-profit world. This doesn’t mean

I live the home gym life so I can do whatever I want. Tried lifting barefoot and I just don’t like it, not sure why. I do prefer a minimalist type shoe and what I use almost exclusively these days is a basic pair of deadlift slippers.

I love watching guys like Haack who will just start pulling right when his hands touch the bar. It looks like he isn’t doing a “slack pull” but really just just pulls it out in the same motion. I also love watching big deadlifters with weight so heavy (and on a deadlift bar) that really pull the slack out before

I wouldn’t call myself a data scientist because I don’t do enough modeling in my day to day job (but I know how to) but I am heavily in the analytics space with a specialty in data viz and telling stories with data (and have been doing so for over a decade).

So is the income based on 2021 taxes?

Macrofactor > *

The one leg RDL is genius, I love doing those with either dumbbells or a cable machine but the landmine version looks much more stable.

Yeah I had him convinced at one point and he said he’d do J&J but that was around the time that they were impossible to find due to the issues they had

I actually know someone who didn’t want to get an mRNA vaccine even though I demonstrated how safe they were. When I showed him this one he said he would probably get it since it is more like a traditional  vaccine and he trusts those. Key word probably. I’ll be hopefully but won’t hold my breath.

What about Mr. Coan’s famous cue?

No, it literally is considered a mild case. A mild case can range from hardly knowing you have it to what I had. The key is I did not have shortness of breath, dyspnea, or abnormal chest imaging.

I am just finally getting over a “mild” case and it was one of the worst illnesses I have ever had. Body aches were off the charts, headache was constantly throbbing, throat felt like I was swallowing broken glass. I couldn’t sleep at all but anything I tried to do just hurt. Was also vaccinated and boosted but hadn’t

They are but I don’t believe they are coming out until October. I don’t know why it’s taking so long because we need this ASAP.

Of course our vaccines are less effective, omicron changed the game and then BA4 and BA5 changed it again. At this point the vaccine is useless to stop transmission, that ship sailed long ago, it hopefully still helps with severity though and I think that is pretty clear by looking at the spike in cases followed by a