Moose Knuckle

If I am already 90%+ protected because I’ve been vaccinated a mask isn’t going to offer 30% protection. Let’s say it would offer 30% protection for an unvaccinated person, that would provide approximately 1-3% protection for a vaccinated person (not J&J).

Considering how any variant of COVID seems to basically ignore toddlers I wouldn’t be too worried, especially if the people you’re around are vaccinated

Maybe I did it wrong but I would not recommend cooking a frozen pizza on a pellet grill. Thought to myself, it’s basically an oven with smoke, this should be great. It was not great.

Nah, probably not

When a variant shows that the vaccine is no longer effective I’ll worry about that then. However, when the data show the variants are not any more dangerous to the vaccinated I’ll continue to live my life.

I love being vaccinated

It is amazing you have a job writing about cars

I cannot understand how the previous version got released. Did they not test any of the functionality? I held my breath anytime I needed to rewind and even then I was lucky if I only had to restart the app once.

It is a hang up for me because it is pretty darn small. They could’ve extended it a bit and really not changed much and it would be more useful. 

If you followed all his videos you wouldn’t be doing anything because every exercise is basically bad for you. His programs are likely garbage too and the price he charges is insane, especially since it’s not reusable.

I had a wrist issue that made me deadlift with my right hand as the under grip, something most right handed people don’t do. The wrist issue is fixed but I’m so used to it after years and years of deadlifting that way that I can’t switch it up. From what I’ve heard (from actual experts) it doesn’t really matter

lol, k

I pull mixed grip so I try to avoid straps unless doing overload work like you mentioned. The difference between mixed and double overhand with straps throws me off enough where it just doesn’t feel as right. Luckily I don’t have a grip issue with max effort singles, unluckily my deadlift isn’t so high that I have

Awww did we find one of Jeff’s loyal followers? Do you use fake weights too?

You should just ignore anything AthleanX puts out in general

I’ve never really understood these personally. I’ve squatted in them and it was fine but they didn’t make me want to go out and drop the $ on some SBD sleeves. I figure it’s one of those, if you don’t know the difference no need to bother now since my knees are probably the last thing to bother me during squats.

This would be really nice, I have just made it part of my routine to turn it off whenever I wake up though so oh well. It’s not like I actually sleep in anymore so 8:30 is plenty and if I forget on weekdays not much has happened by then.

Tell me authors are forced to make slide shows without telling me authors are forced to make slide shows

I don’t go huge with the surplus but I find trying to build with a small surplus is a waste of time. I hit PRs I never thought attainable when I finally ate and stopped worrying about being lean all the time. I was able to drop back down to the same level of leanness but I weight a solid 10 lbs more now so I’ll just

I enjoy it when I am not cutting. Cutting sucks. My lifts stall or go down for the most part and it just feels like I get my ass kicked every day in the gym. Nagging injuries are harder to heal and it’s just less pleasant.