Moose Knuckle

I’m not sure what I should be checking. Vaccines are plentiful here but you still have to do the work to get an appointment. The places that are just doing walkup whenever you want vaccines are for people 65+ right now. The only other walkup vaccines that I have heard about are when there are excess supplies from no

Actually, there have been breakthrough cases resulting in hospitalization and death. However, those are the extreme minority and it is incredibly unlikely.

100% recommend for kids and adults. I have been using white noise since college and it helps me sleep so much better. Sure I am dependent on it but I always at least have my smart phone app to use and if something happened where white noise was no longer an option I’d just adapt.

Actually, it can. The number of people with medical conditions that have a significant effect on inhibiting weight loss are a fraction of a fraction of a percent. Just because it comes down to people are eating too much doesn’t mean the solution is as simple as tell people to eat less and move more. That’s simply a

Got a citation for that whole, the amount of calories we consume on average hasn’t really changed in the last 50 years? I don’t believe that one bit. We have incredibly easy access to high calorie, low nutrient food now that it’s clear that the reason we have an obesity epidemic is because people are in fact eating

This site used to have decent writers 

You would only do that if you plan on living in the house for a while and want to do the renovations for you.

It depends on a lot of things but kitchens and bathrooms are the biggest bang for your buck and if you do it right (in the right circumstances) you can definitely come out ahead on those renovations. If you have a decent kitchen/bathroom then obviously you’re not going to see the same type of return as if you had one

Probably because you don’t have the heat directly applied to the pot. There is lots of room for it to spread out and dissipate vs a burner made for heating up a pot.

I’m not so sure how well this one would work. During the big ice storm I lost power and decided to boil some water on my grill, it took so long to get up to a boiling temperature it was ridiculous. I had a lid on my pot of water and the grill closed and it still took well over 30 minutes. Sure it was cold outside but

So what you’re saying is I can start licking doorknobs now and not wait for two weeks after my second vaccine shot?

There are many times I have checked the pollen count for my city on three different websites and I got low, moderate, and very high. Not sure the methodology each website uses but they were all pretty major sites so I’ve found pollen counts to be more or less useless.

Got my first shot of Pfizer this week and the next day I felt wrecked. Was cold the whole day and just felt tired and weak. Had random shooting muscle pains too. The good news is the day after I feel back to normal, not even a sore arm. Not something I’d do for fun but I’ll take that all day for the benefits it

The latest study doesn’t say the vaccine only lasts for six months, it says it lasts for at least six months. There’s a big difference between the two. We can’t say for sure how long it lasts because it hasn’t been around long enough and we do not have adequate data past 6 months.

Well we don’t really know for sure how long the vaccine lasts but yeah, that goes to show the previous comment about natural immunity lasting for weeks to a month is ridiculous as expected.

Who says it isn’t effective for influenza? That’s probably one of the main reasons influenza has been essentially non-existent this season.

Source? I haven’t seen anything that says you only have immunity for a month if infected and even with the variants going around reinfection has been quite the anomaly. Would be glad to have my mind changed if you have credible information saying otherwise.

Not to mention many gut issues are psychosomatic so worrying about them could possibly just exacerbate the issue.

Claire, do you know anything about using a convection oven as an air fryer? I heard from someone in the appliance industry that they essentially do the same thing. Doesn’t help me since I have a regular oven but could be nice to those with convection ovens if they want to save space.