
Undoubtedly the most ignorant comment of the day, and your name sucks

I already went and paid for mine. Picking it up first thing in the morning.

I agree, chances are, our safeguards have it covered, but what if they fail? You can never be too careful with this stuff. Its when a super power such as US, Rome, etc... is feeling untouchable that shit hits the fan. Just saying...there is always room for improvement and extra precautions

It isn't as far fetched as you might think, and you can't blame him for wanting to be on the safe side because if this did go down, we would be fucked. I could care less about newt or politics in general, but to totally ignore this is ignorant. And you sounded way too confident that there isn't a single

Wait...So you would rather not have the option to use traditional desktop software? Why is this a good thing. I could care less if the battery life sucks when running intense desktop software, and same goes for performance. There is no reason they can't keep the desktop feature of this and just understand that it

Haha. This will be used more in the work place than in bed. Before long, you'll be standing in line at the water cooler and start hearing "gentle vibrations" coming from a mysterious place.

This would be awesome. Definitely need drastic hardware updates to make this happen though. Hopefully the lag will disappear as well. Its not too bad so hopefully they will finally be able to achieve 1:1 movement tracking with this one. That would open a lot of doors and really help M$ take it to the next level.

If it is going to get blown up anyways, then why spend the money to try and make it resist the explosion? Go buy a bunch of old school ford escorts and let them get blown up. You could probably by 70-80 of them for what one of those things cost.

While I don't completely buy into any of these rumors, the fact that Verizon has already shipped accessories to some of their stores, and has already taken care of a lot of the training for their employees, adds a little bit of credibility to this. #wishfulthinking

I hope it doesn't trickle down to Charlotte. I wanna pwn sum noobs in mw3 tonight.

After reading that, he sounds like a real dick. Like most celebrities....wait, he hasn't been a celebrity for years. Maybe thats why he is so bitter.

That guy is the man

Funny because I read a review a day or so ago that said the sound was pretty awful when the 7.1 was turned on, and the controls were the best part. This says the exact opposite, sounds like something i'd have to test out before buying.

Ahh, didn't notice that was a pull tab, but thanks for the info. I was always curious about this.

I gave up on xbox after 8 encounters with RROD. My girlfriend just got a me one of the new slim ones though and I didn't look that hard but it didn't look like the storage was removable. Am I wrong? If not, would this just be a USB add on, cause that would be pretty neat I guess.

Looks like I'll still be waiting on the new Sammy phone with ICS. Hope it doesn't disappoint as well.

Haha, I love this kinda stuff. You never know about the leaks now days but i'm pegging this one as fake. Hope I'm wrong though cause that would be a killer phone.

You hit the nail on the head. Nothing to really justify pushing the phone back. Not to mention, my last iPhone was a 3GS. Now my contract is up and I'm getting a 4S. Not that its a deal breaker, but I would like to be able to enjoy a new form factor when it comes out, not the same one I've seen everyone carrying

When can people go to "preorder" the new iPhone?

So thats why its taking them forever to release this thing...Its cool but not that cool. Probably won't even be able to understand my southern accent which isn't even that bad.