Finally somebody with a brain
Finally somebody with a brain
1) stevia is not new
Did you know stevia IS artificial!? Apparently you didn’t.
Caffeine and not caffeine - heck why don’t we just inject them all with 100mg of caffeine a day and say when they die, that it was the diet sodas
They need to be arguing about drugs prescribed to children that kill - like Ritalin - leave diet soda alone
Newsflash - his gut is from
Yes furry teeth are disgusting -
How about “a lot
Sorry but I know a TONNE of gym junkie athletes who o my drink diet soda - I personally used to model and can tell you ALL models drink diet sodas - all the fat obese people I k ow drink regular coke and I look at them and want to say “this is why you’re fat”
Why is nobody mentioning the real killer - high doses of caffeine
It’s a shame they didn’t identify what the diet drinks were.
Like chain smoking, obesity, eating disorders
That’s because they limit the studies to obese people *eyeroll* not the hard ass working gym junkies who chug diet Coke’s to kick the cravings
This study is stupid. For starters they didn’t mention if diet drinks were caffeinated or not. Somebody drinking 12 diet sodas with caffeine a day is literally dehydrating themselves to death.... My Dr told me that any liquids count towards your gallon a day, UNLESS they have caffeine in them, as caffeine removed ALL…