I you’re paying attention and are that bad of a driver you should lose your license.
I you’re paying attention and are that bad of a driver you should lose your license.
When they give it software to drive itself and insist it’s fully tested.
Maybe they need a new stadium too.
I’m checking online right now for rebates and dealer incentives
Last time this happened to me my skateboard wheels wouldn’t go over the driveway lip.
“Brinkley mayor Billy Hankins said he would launch an investigation and wait until after it is completed to take further action.”
including his son Scott, who is an offensive genius much like his father, who led the Chargers to nothing for multiple years and still doesn’t have a job.
241 replies and no one is curious what the photos look like? i can’t pass judgment until they surface
Is this near the point where they ask for a new stadium because it’s difficult to win in the current stadium?
Who brought the marshmellows?
Hey Van, did it occur to you that people might just be tired of the same shit for 8 years and didn’t want another 4 years of it?
Problem is overnight is only about 8 hours. They will have to run 2 nights
If the people have spoken and Trump wins, maybe they are tired of where this country is heading. I didn’t freak out and cry when Obama was elected 8 years ago because I really thought he would get us going in the right direction. Maybe he didn’t bring HOPE to enough people afterall.
Totally agree. These kids parents failed miserably, assuming they have parents in the picture.
I believe One-Nil is a soccer blowout
Why is he testing with no HANS device?
They must be grading on a curve(s)