Perfect engine = (current engine + 20% more power)
Perfect engine = (current engine + 20% more power)
Because the left refuses to believe that people are different genetically. “anyone can be an astronout” sorta BS. It’s getting ridiculous.
In the level of racing that I deal with, there are a lot of young drivers in very good equipment. It’s typically the first step on the ladder where the drivers are in legitimately fast, full size racecars. It becomes very obvious that it doesn’t matter how or good the team is that they are on or how much training they…
When it comes to athletic potential, it’s considered something like 66% percent dependent on heritability ( You can squander that potential in many ways, but if you lack it, you can’t make up for it in dedication.
You also have to take into account that at each level he progressed he was against others who had made it to that same position, meaning they had the money and opportunity too.
So natural talent is now too PC? You give ten 5 year-olds a soccer ball for the first time and 7 will be terrible, 2 will be good and 1 will excel. Of course hard work and practice will go a very long way to neutralize and flatten the results, but to pretend some people aren’t naturally athletic (with a lot of that…
So is this an opinion piece or journalism or what?
Agree... strongly. I am not sure why Alanis downplays the genetic influence here. Drivers are athletes. Genetics plays a large role. Reflexes, vision, physical size all play a role. Don’t discount the ability to “feel” the car. If you can’t feel the handling changes, it can’t be taught. If you can feel the changes,…
while i do agree with the specifics of privilege here - which he has had in spades, i do think there is a certain amount of genetics involved. like not everyone who got in a go-kart when they were a kid became an F1 driver, just like every kid who learned how to throw a tight spiral became the QB of the Giants or the…
McLaren confirms Half Life 3
Or he has the same right as the people protesting, you just don’t like the message.
i know and as a launch saturn owner, if i were tasked with saving the last saturn games in existence, nights does not even crack my top 10.
that’s been essentially what the whole 2018 refresh has been about, catching back up to Camaro performance. I’ll actually be pretty interested to where this compares with the SS 1LE, which seems to have similar options but with smaller front tires.
After decades and decades and literally automobile designs, designers have arrived at the ultimate perfect design for an automobile. This is it.
In a democracy, you don’t have to like the choices that people make. But, within reasonable bounds, you have to…
It’s not like the Jones act is really helping all that much anyway...I mean how many more us registered ships are there now then there might otherwise have been? And at what cost? This is the chicken tax of the sea
Exactly. California will adopt EVs quickly if they’re economically viable transportation choices. I see Bolts and Teslas and Leafs (Leaves?) all over the place in San Diego. Once they start making affordable electric cars that can be charged quickly and have a range over 400 miles or so, making them mandatory will be…