
Why bring down PhD students here? What did they do? 

Jenny “from” the Block, but Jenny “on” the Block is waaay funnier. I like it more. 

Calling those who you disagree with a troll is an excellent way to end a conversation. Kisses back to you on your island where the sun never rose, or never set, or whatever, noone cares. Inherited monarchy sucks. 

I really do not think 400 years of colonization is something to sneeze at. They got a lot done while looking like they are mere potted plants. British monarchy had a huge impact internationally. And I am sorry you do not get to say that was then and this is now. Anyone can say whatever they want about the monarchy and

The next time you find the need to judge any other country or region of which you have a “passing understanding” remember to shut up as well. Justifying inherited monarchy by this stupid “Europe has it” “Asia has it” makes not sense, kid!

If that rationale stands true, britons should not bother to foam at the mouth about Americans, Trumpism or anything else really. You dont live there, why care right? It is a stupid ideology—especially when all of British colonial history was about “getting involved” in places that they did not necessarily live in. We

I have a kid in the public school system and this is the question I had. What about these irresponsible parents and what about the rest of the kids who may have been traumatized by this event. The poor teacher. My heart goes out to her. I think the parents need to take some responsibility. How does a toddler who broke

i love her movies, especially Marie Antoinette.

Which is why I came here. I am sure we need to first find out if she identifies as American dont you think??!! What is wrong with being a Malaysian. 

Thank you for your response. I have still not forgiven myself but I am much more okay about it now.

I am so glad people are talking about this. My mother did not know what to do with my postpartum depression. She comes from a part of the world where childbirth is all happiness and joy. She did not even address it—granted I may have been terribly moody and all around depressing to be around. A conversation would

I am a little annoyed by the attention this book is getting. Is it ok to wish someone dead? For no reason at all? Who does he think he is in the first place.. ?A great actor?! I never could stand Friends so my opinion is going to be bad. Why does he think he can talk shit about Keanu who is just living his life. This

That was so well put. I could not have put it better myself. 

I was thinking the same thing. How many chances do the Kardashian family get with little talent and so much money? There are tons of comedians and actors who would kill for a chance, but ratings are everything....apparently there are more people who like them than don’t, which makes me mad. I am also tired of

how did you?

I find it difficult to break ties. She has not spoken for four weeks now. no, we have not. But she will come around at some time and pretend nothing happened. Then she will forcibly bestow gifts and care. Its been life long cycle and I do not know how to end it.

My elder sister is the queen of passive aggression followed by periods of excessive kindness. Through my childhood, I adored her and looked up to her. My whole childhood was spent basking in her kindness, followed by long periods of no communication. She chose the length and time. She controlled her emotions and mine.

well, you write beautifully. 

what if one is not “cool”? is this article cool/sarcastic..? I dont get it. Am I supposed to read it with a good-natured nod and smile? What if I stay home during this break as I did not grow up here, do not celebrate Christmas or thanksgiving, have no family around, have no “cool” friend living in Maine, and fear

You are completely allowed to have your own unpopular opinion, but Fleabag (the first season) comes together only towards the end. As the season proceeds her character and the sociopathy she shows towards relationships, unravels as well. Everything you have observed about here character, are eventually acknowledged by