
Throughout Disco and Picard’s seasons, I’ve talked about how my problem with the shows is that they creators don’t seem to either understand or buy into the philosophy of Trek. It’s not about the choices that an individual character makes, but how those choices are treated and how the background morality of the

I think I was only one of a few people in the audience when that came out that rolled my eyes and didn’t break out in guffaws.

However, Chabon indicated that we should assume Starfleet officers have always used foul language because people use foul language. There was a reason we didn’t see the swearing in previous Star Trek shows and it wasn’t their moral upstanding. It was censorship.

That said, if you are looking for something a little less calm and a little more action-hero-y

Hopefully this

Until others are barred from wearing, work appropriate, skirts why should shorts be denied if worn fashionably and appropriately?

Screw that. It’s summer, it’s fucking hot, and the A/C at work always breaks for a month sometime between the end of April and the start of October. If they would let me, I would wear shorts. Is someone going to not take a book out from the library because I work khaki shorts with the Captain America t-shirt I’m

2001? Nah.. I’m thinking they have a Lego fan

Flash is carrying Superman’s katra.

Well he was the first Thor after all..

Well, it worked for R2-D2.

IIRC one of the other starships in the original series was the Potemkin

By “group of people” do you mean “every scientist in almost every other country on earth that agree it’s a superior system”?

And of course they’ve never had any failures in other missions. Not like several people have blown up or burned to death or anything. Or if you want to be less dramatic, we could mention the Mars Polar Lander, the Mars Climate Orbiter or Deep Space 2 which were all failed Mars missions.

why dont they just enhance the image?

This will most assuredly come off as an assholish, possibly crazy reply, but I swear on my mother I’m just genuinely curious in general human psychology.

Yeah, he should be at peak evil badass at this point in his life. To the rebels, facing Vader should inspire the same panic and terror as an Agent showing up in the first Matrix.

Well there’s little chance Vader will pursue them to that beach on the cover. He hates sand. It’s coarse and rough and just gets everywhere.

she was on shrooms and had been drinking, how did this make it to any news outlet?

Um, no. That Stormtrooper that Rey mind-tricked was totally phoning it in.