
Where is flash-sideways Juliet? ** Where is flash-sideways Eko? ** Where is flash-sideways Frank? ** Where is flash-sideways Richard? ** Where is flash-sideways Jacob and Man in Black? **

@Chewblaha: You can say that about pretty much any show. Pretty mediocre trolling, but nice attempt.

Why oh Why do Lost and The Celebrity Apprentice have to have their finales at the same time?

Wait, so it's like L4D2's mutations?

That was hilarious

Or you can just use the overlay's browser to go to gamefaqs or someplace like that.

Want to know why? Join any Xbox live game and listen to the voices of the people playing and you tell me how old they are.

@silvaofwind: I'm not really sure what happened. I think it just got too easy and repetitive for me. I was kind of surprised since I liked Sunshine and 64 so much.

Didn't like the first one, so I'll be passing on this one as well.

Why would they do it? The game is just an expensive movie, so if they actually made a movie there would be literally no point in owning the game.

"There’s nothing in the premium package which will gimp regular PSN users."

@Kuwabara Kazuo: Like people have said, her name in JP FF6 was Tina, and they couldn't change her name in Birth by Sleep because they need Terra to tie into the Earth, Water, and Air theme they have going with the protagonists names.

@OtaconR: Sorry Luke, but our princess is on another cruiser.

@ghost4: No, by backwards and forwards they mean you can go back and replay levels.

@ghostadv: I'm sure with Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 coming up they can suffer through it.

Am I the only one who didn't really like SMG? I just thought it got repetitive and boring.

@CCAF drlard: It's something about the way the cell processor works that the airforce really liked. Plus it's cheap as hell compared to the alternatives.

@Jennacide: I doubt there were a lot of 1 cent donations simply because of how easy it was to pirate.