
Got L4D2 during the 50% off sale so that will be my main timesink. Also have Heart Gold to play

@AchromaticMagus: Wait, what? Why would a game buyer worry about economics? He just wants his game and thinks he is a genius by saving $5.

@justhesh: All of Gamestops used prices are ridiculously high. I'm guessing the logic is "Well if I save $5 per game by the time I buy 12 my 13th will basically be free!"

Billy Hatcher? Where's our sequel?

@pandafresh: Hey, this isn't where we make random guesses on future games based on out of context hints.

@Parsifal: just use last measure, it's close enough.

@orijimi: TF2 is actually really easy to get into and play, and the unlocks are pretty well balanced with the normal weapons (in most cases) so it's not like your missing much by not having them.

Now playing

Team Fortress is to JRPG as HL2 is to Moeblobs?

Will Zac Efron be ichigo? or will they get Carrot Top for that.

@setsunakai: Maybe because they don't look Japanese? I'm just saying practically every Anime character has huge eyes, which Asians don't have.

@kyosen: watching manga

Don't believe in yourself Mr. Driller! Believe in the me who believes in you!

Does Kasumi like playing volleyball?

@mruler360: You forgot about grass growing, sun shining, and me hurting people.

In before "underdeveloped 19 year old"

@ctorre: Yes, Chun-Li has breasts which is mature.

You can't blame the figure makers for the breasts, Selvaria is designed that way. I actually think they look a little smaller than in-game, but that might just be me.

@Zerod Zunaro: *initiate impression of Steam Forum Member*