
Or just try talking to a person of the opposite sex about anything but themselves. As a man, I get along with women way easier than I do with men, because of my childhood. However, I realized the older I got, the more defensive women are at first, as they assume all men try to flirt with them when trying to get their

Making you mad. Some people can't feel good about themselves unless they feel like other people are jealous of them.

I dunno, I was in a similar position as the OP with my last boyfriend. I knew what it looked like when people just wanted to talk to him, and I knew what it looked like when women were hitting on him. The body language is totally different.

Don't engage! These chicks WANT you to be mad at them, preferably even to get into a physical fight with them. They want to feel powerful by thinking they "threatened" you. So I basically say nothing and just make this Liz Lemon face.

correct, therefore none of the relationship will work. You need to be clear of an attachment in order to move on to another relationship.

I agree. I was at a dinner party once, and I said hello to a man who walked up with a woman a few steps behind him. Literally, just that one word, and he turned bright red and pulled his girlfriend up in front of him and stuttered, "I'm engaged. I've been with Mary for 3 years! " and she made a huge deal of

I don't think you've ever met a woman in real life or been on a date like ever.

In my experience they've already been looking to trade up long before they're "stolen" away. They don't leave the person they're currently with because they don't want to be single and the person they're with is "better than nothing".

Monkey bar dating. Some people are terrified of being single so instead of breaking up with someone they stay until they find a replacement. Most people outgrow this stage sometime during middle school. Less mature, chicken shit individuals never do.

you know what i think?? once a cheater, always a cheater. Its a specific state of mind. It can be either physical or emotional cheating.

Two of my exes initiated a relationship with me just before they broke up with the guy they were seeing, unbeknownst to me. I only found out about it after we had been dating for some time. Both of those exes ended our relationship by cheating on me. Some people just operate this way it seems and have no qualms about

They probably are hitting on him. My husband is more attractive than I am - or was, we're both old now and that has been a looks equalizer... - and I've had women not only directly proposition him in front of me, but also refer to me in their propositions, as in "Why have that when you can have this?". So, some women

One of my best girlfriends (not me, I SWEAR, this isn't a sitcom where I talk about a "friend" but I'm really referring to myself) recently finally ended a 2-year relationship with a married guy. She wasn't the one married to him.

I was with a young man with a micropenis right out of high school. He was one of my earliest sexual partners. He was a nice enough young man with an obsession for pornography, I think it held a special place for him because of his micro peen which drove a lot of anxiety and inadequacy feelings.

men (and women) who truly know how to eat pussy like a champ are a rare breed

At the risk of TMI, my experience is that the strength of your tongue is a much better indicator of success re: bedtime shenanigans, than any phallic dimensionality concerns.

It's pretty much entirely composed of sick burns.

Martha Daughtrey's dissent absolutely destroys the majority's BS in the first paragraph (emphasis mine):'s not the courts' job to make decisions about the legality or constitutionality of gay marriage...