
Believe me: me too! I left, wandered the world for a while, and found myself a real live cowboy in the Pacific Northwest. Life is good. I only wish I’d had the sense to dump that motherfucker after the first week of dating him!

Nothing, but nothing will ever top this Titiana.

Yasss!! He is wonderful! I love how Magic Mike XXL did voguing right and respected the culture

I didn’t even read the headline, I just saw fashion runway pics and clicked. And then went “ewwwwwwww oh fuck no what is this dreck.” So of course it’s Versace, aka The Only Line That’s Tackier Than Cavalli.

What the...

It’s the new-age piss christ.

I’m just gonna go ahead and admit that I DIY’d literally EVERYTHING at my wedding, and the result was that the whole thing looked like complete shit. Home sewn dress, homemade cupcakes, homemade centrepieces, homemade dinner, homemade decorations, homemade automated DJ playlist, etc etc etc.

another favorite tagline they used: where DIY meets WTF. Such a perfect description.

Regretsy, surely the best thing to come out of Etsy.

The pinecones are way prettier than that bouquet of buttons, which looks like something I’d find rotting and gathering dust in the corner of an old closet.

I have to say, the chalkboard jars are kind of cute.

I was friends with a girl who pent hundreds of dollars on a broach bouquet from the internet. When she got it, it looked like something you would have if you were marrying Mr. Roboto. It was a weird metal dome that looked far too uniform to be what she thought it was. And it was fucking ugly.

This just looks like pee to me. Nothing says forever like jars of urine.

Can I just rage about how much I hate non-flower bouquets? Perhaps it was because I once had to hold a tetanus bouquet at a friend’s wedding, and was later hit in the head with one during the toss (it actually lascerated me), but I just don’t see the appeal. The one pictured looks like someone emptied their

I may actually go see this movie. Couldn’t watch the first one because McConaughey gives me the willies - he is the creepiest fucking dude I have ever seen on the big screen, just. so. gross. But Tater has been my secret crush ever since Step Up. Best thing to come out of Alabama.

I was contextualizing it for readers who maybe don’t know who Dashaun is, or don’t know anything about voguing, because I want them to read and be interested and hopefully learn something. Believe me, I care way more about Dashaun and voguing than I do about Channing and Magic Mike!

I truly adored that part of Magic Mike XXL (although I am ambivalent about Fluffy’s attempt as well) because of how authentic and respectful to the scene it was. The boys were truly game to have a great time and there was absolutely no hint of squeamishness or post ironic posturing to be seen. And Channing was hitting

Great interview Julianne. You always do really nice work.