
What’s worse is she’s comparing being accused of drugging and raping people to the backlash she received after that awful sketch she wrote for Ted Danson to wear blackface at an NAACP event where she was the honoree. She’s standing up for accused rapist because over twenty years ago, her jokes didn’t land.

Is she talking about the time Ted Danson put on blackface? That might be the party she's talking about.

She makes it increasingly hard to continue to be a fan. Kind of like Cosby.

Wow, way to make the whole situation about you, Whoopi! Her narcissism is off the fucking charts. “Mel Gibson can’t be a racist, because he’s never said anything racist to my face.” “Cosby can’t be a rapist, because people have made snap judgments about me in the past.” Ugh, she disgusts me.

What is this collection of words, even? It’s no only offensive, it’s also nonsensical. “We’ll see what happens when more information comes out...” what more information could you possibly need other than the person admitting to doing the thing they’re accused of?!?!?! Also what the fuck is she talking about with this

DAMNIT. That’s what I get for not having my coffee this morning. I MEANT OJ, but for some reason defaulted to Peterson. Now, off to get a latte...

I’m sorry the ‘80s, they weren’t fun for everybody, clearly.

What was the motivation for an entire party to decide that I was a rotten person? I don’t know.

I’m sorry the ‘80s, they weren’t fun for everybody, clearly.

I too went to get my Mirena on my lunch break from work. I haven’t had kids (and don’t ever want to) so I had to take Cytotec the night before to soften my cervix. It was painful for about 5 minutes during insertion, but I went to happy hour that night and felt fine the next day. Blow dart to the uterus is the most


And I say this because this is my opinion and in America, still, I know it’s a shock, we’re actually innocent until proven guilty. He has not been proven.

omg thank you for this. I had Skyla for 6 months, and it turned me into a homicidal maniac.

I have the paragard and I love it. I didn’t want to use hormones, which is why I went paragard. I was dreading the insertion but it was NOTHING. and I have never been pregnant. obviously your mileage may vary. my periods were heavier/longer for a while but they normalized after several months. they were heavy pre-IUD

Seriously, this is the biggest BS of it all. First they’ll try to scare you if you’ve never been knocked up, then they’ll “forget” that they are covered! I would hunt down a doctor who actually knows what’s up. Let’s free-market these jerks outta business!

Oh nice! They were still telling my roommate IUD’s were not free a few months ago when she visited her doctor, only the pill. I just read somewhere that you really had to fight some insurance companies reminding them that ALL forms were supposed to be covered.

I went with the Mirena because my sister had it and generally anything that works for one of us will work for the other. I’ve been pretty much period free for 2 years and it’s been a life changer.

I got Skyla, so I dont know about Paragard, but I’d recommend taking the afternoon off. I went during lunch and ended up taking the afternoon off from work. It was kinda crampy for me, but moreso, it was like my nerves were frayed? Maybe it was the adrenaline because I was nervous. I was absolutely fine though. And

omg can the NSA track you through your IUD?! brb making a tinfoil hat.

Can I ask which one you had? I’m getting the paragard in a few days and I’m a little bit nervous.