
The strippers say they lead healthy lifestyles, spending their time at the gym, not at parties.

Trader Joe’s. That’s where I use my old freebie grocery bag.

It sounds like they’re claiming that the overpricing actually happened at the register - like how if yellow onions are 99cents a pound and white onions are 95cents, and I brought white onions to the register but the cashier charged me for yellow onions. Which may be what happened, I haven’t been following this story

I was distracted by the containers of fruit behind him. New slogan idea? “Whole Foods - For people too lazy to cut their own fucking fruit.”

But how will I fell superior to people if I can’t shop at Whole Foods? :(

Everyone calls it Whole Paycheck. No one calls it Whole Check except for Jezebel.

In Austin (where they originated and where the HQ still is) friends of mine and I used to call them Whole Paycheck.

OMG, Chassidische weddings are too much for me. Even the ones where the couple says it’s going to be “very modern”, I can’t handle it. I literally get panic attacks. If we’re close (and not just am ‘invite anyone you’ve ever had a meal with’ invite), I’d help host a sheva brachot, but big nope to the wedding.

Traditional Indian weddings are the same, only they go on for hours (if not days) and there isn’t the same expectation to ever sit still quietly and watch a ceremony so the kids can just sort of run amok. I think it is easier in traditional communities like that because the extended family is all there and the

I’ve never really been interested in these movies (don’t get the appeal of Channing Tatum tbh), but you guys have really piqued my interest.

On the other hand, it’s probably not safe for me to see them right now since my husb and I haven’t seen each other in like 4 months and last night I had a sexy dream about Tom

So, our Big Public Reason for not inviting kids beyond our two teenage niece (who were sober, and thus, better behaved than most of our friends!) was the expense. Which was legit; if we let every family bring their 2-3 kids...well, the guest list and expense spiraled pretty fucking fast.

You’re missing out in life. No, seriously. I get easily embarrassed by other people’s actions. And this is something that normally would make me cringe (I’ve never been to a male strip club for this reason). But Magi Mike was hella entertaining and because Channing can actually dance really well, it works as a turn

One of my friends literally leap out of her seat and started clapping during Channing’s performance to “Pony” in the original. These movies have a way inciting involuntary movement.

Matthew McConaughey’s work in the original Magic Mike was Oscar caliber, and I’m only kinda of joking.

Exactly right! Hell half the time the kids don’t WANT to go to a wedding were they are forced to dress up and are expected to be on best behavior on front of a tone of people they don’t know! I think adult only weddings and receptions are an excellent idea. I had a cousin who knew that she wanted only adults and so

I didn’t want kids at my wedding but my now husband gave me a heartbroken look when I said that so I pivoted and not only welcomed kids but hired two sitters to watch the kids and we even had a playground at our venue and reminded parents to bring a change of clothes for their kids. If kids are guests every effort

In the orthodox chassidic community - kids come to wedddings. Period. Large families are the norm - If you’re the youngest of 10 or more children, and all your siblings are already married, and each of them have multiple children, sometimes IMMEDIATE family members can number around 100 people (4 grandparents, 2

My fiance and I are not children people. We asked several family members and friend their thoughts on not having kids there, and they were are cool with it (to our faces). To drive home the point, our RSVP cards say “please note this event is for people aged 12+” cause that shit gets expensive. And we are cold,